Will trump be pilled up?

If we could just talk them into dropping four way hits of windowpane an hour before kickoff. That would make for the worlds greatest debate in the history of time. You want to talk a bunch? Never mind the laughter, does anybody remember laughter?
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Republicans under performed by only picking up nine seats in the House while Dems held onto the Senate.
It was a pathetic performance for a midterm. The party out of power nearly ALWAYS picks up many more seats than that.

If OUR performance of GAINING seats is pathetic, what does that make democrats for LOSING seats? :laugh:
?? What situation. I just said, to your post about if trump is going to take drugs..that, had we had the drug test as Trump suggested, it would dispel the rumors.
*the rumors started by Trump and his cult high priests

You do love your half-truths.
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Republicans under performed by only picking up nine seats in the House while Dems held onto the Senate.
It was a pathetic performance for a midterm. The party out of power nearly ALWAYS picks up many more seats than that.

*the rumors started by Trump and his cult high priests

You do love your half-truths.
Cocaine joe trafficked drugs in the White House…this is a simple fact, it was found at his house
Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here thin

I fucking hope so.
I fucking hope so.
You idiots are amusing as hell. You've got Trump...out there campaigning every day...no different than when he was doing it the last two times...and then you've got Biden...needing a week to prep for a debate where you KNOW that CNN has already given his camp the questions that they'll be asking! But you think it's Trump that needs drugs? Please...that's just stupid.
Trump doesn’t need to be “pilled up”, but senile zombie Biden certainly does.

Indeed! ;)

Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
I get it . " What folks think ".
How about what Folks think about Donald Trump.
Like his constant Overflow huge massive crowds
whenever and wherever he be.
Kind of simple actually.
Also explains in plain english why Joe Biden hid
when he campaigned for 2020.At best attracting
crowds via small parking lots where his supporters
stayed in their cars honking out approval.
I mean,even dat would bowl over Twilight Zones
Host Rod Serling { resting nicely in Heaven }.
Serlings alma mater being Antioch College in
Yellow strings,Ohio.A short drive from Dayton U.
where I spent 4 years learning how so skip classes
and flunk out with grace.
I visited Antioch College a few times in that
period.They had a bar where they served real draft beer
w/o carding students.They had wooden tables
with built in Chess boards.
" Be ashamed to die until you have won some
victory for Humanity. "
Antioch College Motto
Holy shit! You don’t remember this story? How out of touch are you? There was cocaine found in his White House
I remember the story that is how I know that you saying Biden is "trafficking cocaine from The White House" is far from fact.
It is pure bullshit fake news....because THAT wasn't even "the story."

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