Will trump be pilled up?

Disappointing to say Biden's debate performance was shaky at best. Still, after comparing shaky to all the attempted overthrow of the election and verifiable lies that trump told, Biden is still the only choice. Do you really think Biden supports murder of a newborn child?
Oh No of course not.His Democrats only supported states that
go so far as super late term abortions with no
conscience whatsoever.Which includes a nutter Catholic
Nancy Pelosi.Biden has no conscience,he proved it in spades
again last night.Like how the southern Border agents supported
his Re-election.Also lying like a rabid dog gone loco over the
number of service members who have lost their lives under
his command.
You’re a fucking moron. Go choke yourself.
You always end up having a little baby hissy fit.

Somebody call the waaaaaaahmbulance.

Either you are a juvenile, time wasting troll, or you are astoundingly ignorant, to ask the question you asked.

Neither one is my problem.

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