It will be hard for another Trump to happen again.

Republican warmongers seem to be hysterical with rage about Biden not being Bibi's puppet.
Heard that republican, Chuck Schumer, screaming bloody murder over Ukraine needing bullets.......those damn warmongering republicans.
So, do you agree with Anathema that if raping children is necessary to win, you should do it?

Let's watch this one run now.

What I see is that you are trolling by making stuff up.

Not sure what happens when your parents are not around. I hope you have an alternate basement lined up.
What is behind the conditioned government-issued pathological hatred of Donald Trump that blinds so many people? Trump is no consumate diplomat that speaks in measured terms, that is plain. But with all the information available at the the click of a mouse today anyone can see that consumate diplomats and professional politics gave us the Gulf War, the Arab spring, the Iraq War, and 911.

Washington loves war and Trump threatened that money maker for crooked politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in DC that masquerade as different viewpoints. Many have figured out like the priest in the 1973 movie The Exorcist, that there is only one multi-faced Devil and that Devil is Washington. The people grew sick of buisnesss as usual in Washington which is why Trump prevailed in 2016. Trump's election was a repudiation of the evil that Washington had become. But evil can be powerful and deceitful, and fools will fall into line willingly as fear and ignorance come knocking. It's not the "good" evil that is bad, it's the whistle blower exposing the evil that is the "real" evil! Yes, that's it, Trump is the "bad" evil!

We want to keep the "good" evil cause that's the Devil we know! Slick politicians telling us that war is a good thing is what we want to keep because that is the goose that lays the golden eggs. If our kids die from opoids that is a good thing because you have to sacrifice something to keep those war eggs coming. Trump does not favor war because war is destructive and imposes economic hardship on the economies of the weakest in society. Our country was founded on the notion that the weakest can have a vote and change things if they do not agree with the direction things are going. That's how Trump got the White House.

But Washington evil is clever. It corrupted the whole voting process with mail-in ballots to take that away. It blinded people to ignore this just as it is blinding them to ignore open borders that are importing new voters to throw a wrench into the gears of actual honest elections and get the outcome Washington wants. You have to be blind not to see this. This is being done specifically so another Trump will never happen again.

After they stole that last election people got poorer and sicker. Some who benefit from the status quo don't care. The media in the city I grew up in is firmly in the corner of DEI which is a Mussolini-like distraction to keep the people blind. After they took out Trump the wars came back like gangbusters. Ukraine, Israel, and now Iran. The country is leaderless and rudderless which is what Washington wants. The last chance we have is to put Trump back and even that may be too late. I am sorry you are blind.

I am not.

I honestly belive any Trump like candidate in the future would be murdered, either by the opposition or one of his in-house rivals.

I don't think Americans will ever tolerate such a creature again.
What is behind the conditioned government-issued pathological hatred of Donald Trump that blinds so many people? Trump is no consumate diplomat that speaks in measured terms, that is plain. But with all the information available at the the click of a mouse today anyone can see that consumate diplomats and professional politics gave us the Gulf War, the Arab spring, the Iraq War, and 911.

Washington loves war and Trump threatened that money maker for crooked politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in DC that masquerade as different viewpoints. Many have figured out like the priest in the 1973 movie The Exorcist, that there is only one multi-faced Devil and that Devil is Washington. The people grew sick of buisnesss as usual in Washington which is why Trump prevailed in 2016. Trump's election was a repudiation of the evil that Washington had become. But evil can be powerful and deceitful, and fools will fall into line willingly as fear and ignorance come knocking. It's not the "good" evil that is bad, it's the whistle blower exposing the evil that is the "real" evil! Yes, that's it, Trump is the "bad" evil!

We want to keep the "good" evil cause that's the Devil we know! Slick politicians telling us that war is a good thing is what we want to keep because that is the goose that lays the golden eggs. If our kids die from opoids that is a good thing because you have to sacrifice something to keep those war eggs coming. Trump does not favor war because war is destructive and imposes economic hardship on the economies of the weakest in society. Our country was founded on the notion that the weakest can have a vote and change things if they do not agree with the direction things are going. That's how Trump got the White House.

But Washington evil is clever. It corrupted the whole voting process with mail-in ballots to take that away. It blinded people to ignore this just as it is blinding them to ignore open borders that are importing new voters to throw a wrench into the gears of actual honest elections and get the outcome Washington wants. You have to be blind not to see this. This is being done specifically so another Trump will never happen again.

After they stole that last election people got poorer and sicker. Some who benefit from the status quo don't care. The media in the city I grew up in is firmly in the corner of DEI which is a Mussolini-like distraction to keep the people blind. After they took out Trump the wars came back like gangbusters. Ukraine, Israel, and now Iran. The country is leaderless and rudderless which is what Washington wants. The last chance we have is to put Trump back and even that may be too late. I am sorry you are blind.

I am not.

What is behind the pathological worship of Donald Trump? If you can't figure how why ppl hate someone in power who flaunts his corruption like a mob boss then you'll never figure it out. You're just a rube.

Trump nearly started a war with Iran, he has proposed dropping missiles on mexico. Newsflash, Trump is the swamp, he is the "evil." lol
What is behind the pathological worship of Donald Trump?
This will be studied for a long time.

I think it's just the perfect storm: A large group of people who have been manipulated for three or four decades by media voices they trust into an absolute, mal-informed rage and paranoia, combined with an absolutely shameless, tragically needy, celebrity man-child who is chronically desperate for adulation and validation.

There was no way to predict this. But it sure does show that we didn't learn from history.
Still denying the collusion that even the Republican senate confirmed? Come on, give the conspiracies a rest. You've been humiliated enough for lying on behalf of Trump.

trump, of course, sued steele over the dossier. results in last week.

the uk judge laughed him out of court with a 300k pound judgement vs trump
tRump (the t is silent) is working on getting rid of our Democracy and
Trump is going to save America.

What is behind the conditioned government-issued pathological hatred of Donald Trump that blinds so many people? Trump is no consumate diplomat that speaks in measured terms, that is plain. But with all the information available at the the click of a mouse today anyone can see that consumate diplomats and professional politics gave us the Gulf War, the Arab spring, the Iraq War, and 911.

Washington loves war and Trump threatened that money maker for crooked politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in DC that masquerade as different viewpoints. Many have figured out like the priest in the 1973 movie The Exorcist, that there is only one multi-faced Devil and that Devil is Washington. The people grew sick of buisnesss as usual in Washington which is why Trump prevailed in 2016. Trump's election was a repudiation of the evil that Washington had become. But evil can be powerful and deceitful, and fools will fall into line willingly as fear and ignorance come knocking. It's not the "good" evil that is bad, it's the whistle blower exposing the evil that is the "real" evil! Yes, that's it, Trump is the "bad" evil!

We want to keep the "good" evil cause that's the Devil we know! Slick politicians telling us that war is a good thing is what we want to keep because that is the goose that lays the golden eggs. If our kids die from opoids that is a good thing because you have to sacrifice something to keep those war eggs coming. Trump does not favor war because war is destructive and imposes economic hardship on the economies of the weakest in society. Our country was founded on the notion that the weakest can have a vote and change things if they do not agree with the direction things are going. That's how Trump got the White House.

But Washington evil is clever. It corrupted the whole voting process with mail-in ballots to take that away. It blinded people to ignore this just as it is blinding them to ignore open borders that are importing new voters to throw a wrench into the gears of actual honest elections and get the outcome Washington wants. You have to be blind not to see this. This is being done specifically so another Trump will never happen again.

After they stole that last election people got poorer and sicker. Some who benefit from the status quo don't care. The media in the city I grew up in is firmly in the corner of DEI which is a Mussolini-like distraction to keep the people blind. After they took out Trump the wars came back like gangbusters. Ukraine, Israel, and now Iran. The country is leaderless and rudderless which is what Washington wants. The last chance we have is to put Trump back and even that may be too late. I am sorry you are blind.

I am not.

It's be easy for another Trump to come along, and easier for that person to take power and do whatever they want.

People act like Trump is just another politician, that he can't do any harm, because they never think about things, don't understand history, don't understand human psycology.

The just want to be entertained, and Trump is entertaining so they'll defend the indefensible day in, day out without a fucking clue what they're talking about.

Politics has turned into the playground of the idiots. They're being manipulated like crazy and they act like they're smart.
It's be easy for another Trump to come along, and easier for that person to take power and do whatever they want.
If Trump wins and the unseen players behind him gain control (Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project), there won't NEED to be another Trump.

Enough power will have been transferred to the presidency, the federal government, the judiciary, federal law, and the state governments to insure the "unified reich" they want. Hell, maybe the local governments too.

I guess we'll see.
If Trump wins and the unseen players behind him gain control (Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project), there won't NEED to be another Trump.

Enough power will have been transferred to the presidency, the federal government, the judiciary, federal law, and the state governments to insure the "unified reich" they want. Hell, maybe the local governments too.

I guess we'll see.

I don't see Trump as being controlled by people. I think the Koch brothers hated him, but supported him to get the change of Supreme Court justices.

However Trump is a loose cannon and doesn't get controlled. But maybe the next one will be controlled. Who knows.
I don't see Trump as being controlled by people. I think the Koch brothers hated him, but supported him to get the change of Supreme Court justices.

However Trump is a loose cannon and doesn't get controlled. But maybe the next one will be controlled. Who knows.
I'm seeing the opposite. Project 2025 is the best example. People like Stephen Miller, the Heritage Foundation and Steve Bannon are absolutely getting their way right now. They're the big winners of this.

Trump doesn't have the intellectual capacity or historical perspective for any of this. Not even close. He just wants adoration, validation and protection. His top-shelf rhetoric is stuff like "human scum". The terms that take us back to Europe 90 years ago, like "vermin"? That's Stephen Miller.

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