Political-Correctness Assures Another 911 Will Happen Next Year

Obama was born a Muslim with a Muslim name.

End of discussion,

Born a Muslim, says who?

Is it you, citing yourself again?

Again, real Obama is a far better source on his own religion than you are playing pretend Obama. Why would I ignore him and believe you?

Also, you're really demonstrating how easily you are taken in by conspiracy theories. And how unreliable you are as narrator of the future, yes?
The lessons are that you cannot just let people enter your country that aren't vetted by the FBI. They have a no-fly list for known terrorists according to Interpol.

As soon as Obama got into office he scrubbed all of the intel on known terrorists and ended the FBI's anti-terrorism training programs.

Later in his second term he announced that somebody had stolen the personal data on 25 million government employees and tried to blame it on foreign governments, but never investigated it.

You had ALL of that BEFORE 9/11 and it did NOTHING to stop the attacks.

If that's what YOU took away from what happened, you learned the WRONG lessons, Bucko!!!

Stay out of Middle Eastern politics. That's the lesson of 9/11. Those people are not and never will be your friends and they resent the power your money has over them.
A terrorists is a terrorist.

Whether they're a communist, a Democrat, or a Muslim.....there's no difference.

None so far, but Obama's family is Muslim and his mother was a communist.....so you figure it out.

Actually he did.
Whatever, brainwashed zombie. :rolleyes:
I'm thinking the connection between immigration policy and political correctness is sort of fuzzy. The way I view it, one can be sensible on immigration without generalizing the illegal immigrant in an un-Christian manner.
Bullshit. You've got nothing to back any of that up.
Easy. All you have to do is use the key words I provided you with.

Then there's the comments by AG Garland stating that the DOJ is going to focus on rightwing extremism (instead of Middle-Eastern terrorism).

What do you think happened right under our noses? Garland changed the focus from foreign terrorists to (invisible MAGA Extremist) Americans training in the mountains, which they feel are more of a threat to "Our Democracy".

Obama has ties with terrorist groups (The Muslim Brotherhood) and he wanted to change the interpretation of what we considered a threat. The changes were laid out under his administration, but quietly implemented under Trump so Obama couldn't be blamed for it.

They removed most of the training material and documents used in the FBI concerning radical Islamic-fundamentalism. They removed thousands of Islamic terrorists from the FBI databases. They dressed up the changes claiming it concerned gun-ownership.


I'm thinking the connection between immigration policy and political correctness is sort of fuzzy. The way I view it, one can be sensible on immigration without generalizing the illegal immigrant in an un-Christian manner.
Have you ever been in any of these foreign countries and met some of these people?

Do you think that you would be treated fairly in Mexico or China?

Do you think that if you had sneaked into any of their countries that they would put you up in a high-class hotel?
Easy. All you have to do is use the key words I provided you with.

Then there's the comments by AG Garland stating that the DOJ is going to focus on rightwing extremism (instead of Middle-Eastern terrorism).

What do you think happened right under our noses? Garland changed the focus from foreign terrorists to (invisible MAGA Extremist) Americans training in the mountains, which they feel are more of a threat to "Our Democracy".

Obama has ties with terrorist groups (The Muslim Brotherhood) and he wanted to change the interpretation of what we considered a threat. The changes were laid out under his administration, but quietly implemented under Trump so Obama couldn't be blamed for it.

They removed most of the training material and documents used in the FBI concerning radical Islamic-fundamentalism. They removed thousands of Islamic terrorists from the FBI databases. They dressed up the changes claiming it concerned gun-ownership.


Literally not even in dispute.
Easy. All you have to do is use the key words I provided you with.

Then there's the comments by AG Garland stating that the DOJ is going to focus on rightwing extremism (instead of Middle-Eastern terrorism).

What do you think happened right under our noses? Garland changed the focus from foreign terrorists to (invisible MAGA Extremist) Americans training in the mountains, which they feel are more of a threat to "Our Democracy".

Obama has ties with terrorist groups (The Muslim Brotherhood) and he wanted to change the interpretation of what we considered a threat. The changes were laid out under his administration, but quietly implemented under Trump so Obama couldn't be blamed for it.

They removed most of the training material and documents used in the FBI concerning radical Islamic-fundamentalism. They removed thousands of Islamic terrorists from the FBI databases. They dressed up the changes claiming it concerned gun-ownership.


And....you just moved your goal posts. The claim you were apeing wasn't a 'change in focus'. It was this:

"As soon as Obama got into office he scrubbed all of the intel on known terrorists and ended the FBI's anti-terrorism training programs.."

Nothing you've posted supports this. You didn't see that when you worked in the Army. Because it didn't happen.

This is why you keep getting caught up in these dipshit conspiracy theories. This is why silly threads like this exist. You start with something like a change in focus.......and just run with it, making up stories to flesh out the most dramatic nonsense you imagine up.

AKA, bullshit.
And....you just moved your goal posts. The claim you were apeing wasn't a 'change in focus'. It was this:

"As soon as Obama got into office he scrubbed all of the intel on known terrorists and ended the FBI's anti-terrorism training programs.."

Nothing you've posted supports this. You didn't see that when you worked in the Army. Because it didn't happen.

This is why you keep getting caught up in these dipshit conspiracy theories. This is why silly threads like this exist. You start with something like a change in focus.......and just run with it, making up stories to flesh out the most dramatic nonsense you imagine up.

AKA, bullshit.
I saw it because that's when it happened. I worked for the Dept of The Army from 2003 - 2020.

They've been scrubbing evidence of this when it happening from the internet.

The only thing left is later media reports that discusses the issue.

Since the totally innocent learning, Chinese style algorithms, have been put in place it's next to impossible for the average citizen in America to look it up online.

But I remember listening to media reports when it was discovered.

As usual......it's easier to believe gaslighting from state approved sources than it is to believe the truth.

Democrats are greasing the skids for another 911 level attack on America.

They're forgetting all of the lessons learned and instead are going full-bore towards another 911 attack because of their careless attitudes about national security. It starts with our open borders.

Several times this year FBI Director Christoper Wray said before congress that we are under a heightened alert for just such an attack and that it has become inevitable.

The DOJ focuses on Unicorns, MAGA extremists, and parents only because political-correctness is allowing them to ignore real threats. Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity has become a grave threat to national security.

A few days ago a sting operation in several states resulted in the arrest of 8 terrorists from Tajikistan who were planning on building bombs to carry out terrorist attacks. All of them sneaked over the border and entered the US illegally. The mistake they made was planning the operation under a Democrat administration. Democrats aren't about to allow a 911 level attack to take place during an election year when a Democrat is in the Oval Office. Wray may direct the FBI to look the other way under Trump, but not now.

I think the uniparty is planning another 911 so they can blame it all on Trump. What better way to send our troops into another endless war than creating a new boogeyman that can be blamed for everything. Who the new boogeyman is will be revealed later.
We're getting wise to their endless wars in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, so they need a new war.

Nothing is even mentioned about a possible peace accord between Russia because too many rich people are getting richer. So they need another war.

For years after 911 the media focused on all of the warning signs that the Clinton Adm ignored trying to blame it all on Bush. Bush created Homeland Security, which is currently being used to usher in millions of new illegals into the country, and there is where the real threat is. These guys were working together all along, and they could never get Trump to go along with their plans. That's why you never see them going to events that Trump is included in.

Any thoughts?

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Considering the totalitarian type raid on Mar-a-lago and weaponization of Biden's DOJ against Trump and his supporters, do you really think Trump will ask Wray to stay on at the FBI?

However it is Wray who has most prominently raised the alarm about probably terrorist attacks within the USA. He has stopped short, however, of saying it exists mostly because of Biden's open border policy.

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