Political-Correctness Assures Another 911 Will Happen Next Year

I saw it because that's when it happened. I worked for the Dept of The Army from 2003 - 2020.

They've been scrubbing evidence of this when it happening from the internet.

The only thing left is later media reports that discusses the issue.

Since the totally innocent learning, Chinese style algorithms, have been put in place it's next to impossible for the average citizen in America to look it up online.

But I remember listening to media reports when it was discovered.

As usual......it's easier to believe gaslighting from state approved sources than it is to believe the truth.

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Even politifact had it.
I saw it because that's when it happened. I worked for the Dept of The Army from 2003 - 2020.

Again, bullshit. You JUST demonstrated the failure of your process. Where your OWN source stated a change in focus. And the twisted lens of your own tinfoil addled perception somehow morphed that into a shrill batshit conspiracy theory that ALL intel on known terrorists had been scrubbed and ALL FBI's anti-terrorism training programs ended when Obama took office.

The hysteric conspiracy claims you're shilling don't match the evidence you have to support them. And that's on source we can verify.

Yet you expect us to take your word, and ONLY your word on all the "Dept of Army' access you had, when you've already demonstrated how wildly unreliable and hopeless detached from reality you are on source we can actually see?

Laughing....no. You're claims are bullshit.
Ty've been scrubbing evidence of this when it happening from the internet.

So your imagination is right and the INTERNET is wrong?

Do you hear how deluded you sound?
As usual......it's easier to believe gaslighting from state approved sources than it is to believe the truth.

You citing yourself isn't 'the truth'. Its just whatever hapless conspiracy theory you're apeing today. Backed by jackshit.

As you just demonstrated elegantly. But tell us again how your spectacular failure to back your insane claims isn't your fault. And how 'they' have been scrubbing the internet to refute you.

So we can all see the scope of your delusions.
'Army Department' at that. :rolleyes: Surplus store?
Who knows.

Mud has already slipped deeper into his delusion, insisting that the reason he can find JACK SHIT to back the conspiracy he's shilling is because 'they' have scrubbed the internet to refute him.

And this is the guy that's going to 'predict' another 911?

These folks are so detached from reality.
Considering the totalitarian type raid on Mar-a-lago and weaponization of Biden's DOJ against Trump and his supporters, do you really think Trump will ask Wray to stay on at the FBI?

However it is Wray who has most prominently raised the alarm about probably terrorist attacks within the USA. He has stopped short, however, of saying it exists mostly because of Biden's open border policy.

And by 'totalitarian', you mean serving a lawful warrant?

And what 'weaponization'? Y'all are large on claims that Biden ordered the charges against Trump. But pretty much refuse to discuss the actual EVIDENCE against Trump that justify those charges.

Its a pretty big tell that y'all know you're full of shit.
Yeah, because there's no magaturds in the bureau.... :auiqs.jpg: :spinner:
Your brainwashed opinions aren't rational. You cannot fathom how ridiculous this statement was.

I would think that people who have sworn allegiance to the UN would be a graver threat than someone who wants America to be great.


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