FBI director has been sounding alarm on ‘heightened threat environment’: Is America listening?

Is there a "civilized" place left on this rock called Earth?
Everywhere you look.....crazed killers, hatred, war, corruption, environmental decay, brutality


If there is a God, either it likes the entertainment.....or humans are close to self annihilation.
No 72 virgins.....no heaven (or hell). The sadistic killers will rest in the same peace as the Saints.
Personally, I don't think all those waiting for Jesus/Allah/Buddah etc are ever going to get the relief and satisfaction they hoped for.

Entropy rules. All else is temporary happenstance.
So what ever happens to mankind is mans fault and in the grand scheme is irrelevant.
…he said, as he posted his response from a device that allows him to communicate with virtually anyone from around the entire world at any time.
I'm afraid terrorists have more opportunities than ever for planning and rehearsing attacks. Biden's open borders have given them nearly unlimited options for attacks in the US.

Biden has provided the means and methods for countries such as Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela and other despotic backwaters to smuggle weapons, ammunition and chemicals across the border.

Whether it’s terrorism, China, or an insecure border, the U.S. faces a litany of threats both internally and internationally, according to the FBI.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has repeatedly warned of a "heightened threat environment," and has pleaded with lawmakers to take each one seriously.
I wish I trusted Christopher Wray more. Anybody with half a brain knows that millions upon millions of unvetted migrants invading the country and pretty much all turned loose on their own recognizance in the country will include a significant number of people who are up to no good and likely many terrorists. A huge security risk.

The MSM, for example, has been decidedly uncurious about more than 25,000 single military aged Chinese coming across the southern border and disappearing into the USA.

But I also can't shake the idea that the terrorist threat could just be another ploy for increased weaponization of the government on everybody.

I hope my concern is entirely misguided.
I'm afraid terrorists have more opportunities than ever for planning and rehearsing attacks. Biden's open borders have given them nearly unlimited options for attacks in the US.

Biden has provided the means and methods for countries such as Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela and other despotic backwaters to smuggle weapons, ammunition and chemicals across the border.

Whether it’s terrorism, China, or an insecure border, the U.S. faces a litany of threats both internally and internationally, according to the FBI.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has repeatedly warned of a "heightened threat environment," and has pleaded with lawmakers to take each one seriously.

By Heightened Threat Environment he is giving the democrats the offical warning to be ready to take advantage of any attack.......an attack at this point would give them reason to take control of the election.....
Have the CIA and the FBI reversed roles? The G-Men once had a mission restricted to federal crimes but now the FBI seems to be involved in the tangled web of international terrorism threats. Meanwhile the CIA seems to have retired from the intelligence gathering.
I wish I trusted Christopher Wray more. Anybody with half a brain knows that millions upon millions of unvetted migrants invading the country and pretty much all turned loose on their own recognizance in the country will include a significant number of people who are up to no good and likely many terrorists. A huge security risk.

The MSM, for example, has been decidedly uncurious about more than 25,000 single military aged Chinese coming across the southern border and disappearing into the USA.

But I also can't shake the idea that the terrorist threat could just be another ploy for increased weaponization of the government on everybody.

I hope my concern is entirely misguided.
Midsommar Blood will be on the Democommies Hands
By Heightened Threat Environment he is giving the democrats the offical warning to be ready to take advantage of any attack.......an attack at this point would give them reason to take control of the election.....
Any terrorist incident between now and November will destroy the Democrats, they won't even be able to elect a dogcatcher.
Any terrorist incident between now and November will destroy the Democrats, they won't even be able to elect a dogcatcher.
Midsommar will smash them so bad theMSM won’t be able to Gaslight them to redemption
The FBI is a corrupt organization. The agency’s participation in the Clinton / Steele dossier fraud is just one example.

Biden has likely told his minion, Wray, to investigate soccer Mom’s at PTA meetings. Biden tells us that white supremacists are the greatest threat, right?

That's correct! ^^

In fact they have become the American Stasi.


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