Obama Refuses to Endorse Kamala, Democrats Officially On The Verge Of All Out Civil War


All the Americans around me are doing fine. Everybody that wants to work is working and doing better, and at better wages. You should move out of the depressed part of the country, if you can afford to.


Glad you will sanely and calmly accept your total loss this November.
Fucking America hater.
Fucking Putin Puffer. Has your criminal boy got any more Love Letters From Kim, lately? We know how you guys love your dictators and Communists. I doubt they will be much help.

All the Americans around me are doing fine. Everybody that wants to work is working and doing better, and at better wages. You should move out of the depressed part of the country, if you can afford to.

So let's just get it straight:

Your serious and entirely resolute position is that we must vote for KAMALA HARRIS.



THAT is your position??

Welly well then.

Don't be surprised or shocked when we bombastically disabuse you of such a deranged notion.
You gonna be crying, bro.
Naw. I live in West Tennessee. We're doing fine. Tomorrow, I vote in the Republican State Primary. I know just the guy to help keep it rolling. The last conversation I had with our Republican Governor turned out well, and the project I mentioned in talking, that he announced on the news later in the same day, is well on way to completion. I get along well with our state officials. You won't find me crying, no matter what.
White assumes that everything that the legacy media doesn't say openly is a lie or a conspiracy.

The fact that the legacy media constantly lies to us doesn't enter into his mind at all.,
And you are the guy that assumes everything in the legacy media is a lie but lap up the bat shit insane ramblings of the modern alternative media even though they have a WORSE record than the legacy media.

The fact that those alternative media outlets fabricate shit at an insane rate never enters your mind at all.

It is like someone deriding a Christian for believing stone age mythologies before grabbing some 'healing' crystals and reading their horoscope to find out what tomorrow will bring.
And you are the guy that assumes everything in the legacy media is a lie but lap up the bat shit insane ramblings of the modern alternative media even though they have a WORSE record than the legacy media.

The fact that those alternative media outlets fabricate shit at an insane rate never enters your mind at all.

It is like someone deriding a Christian for believing stone age mythologies before grabbing some 'healing' crystals and reading their horoscope to find out what tomorrow will bring.
Well.....opinions are like assholes.

Van Jones says the Democrats are just one big family...I don't remember him saying 'happy'...so much for 'family'.

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