Obama Refuses to Endorse Kamala, Democrats Officially On The Verge Of All Out Civil War

And now is Newsom the next shark circling?

Sources tell RedState that Gavin Newsom has cancelled all appointments for the next 2-3 days in addition to cancelling Monday's speech at the Ninth Circuit judicial conference. According to these sources, Newsom will be working with Bill and Hillary Clinton on a plan for Hillary win the nomination during the open convention.

I'm an honest guy and admit when I'm wrong, and I have to say:

I think I may have misread this one.

After having listened to Mark Halperin, arguably the journalist whose ear is closest to the ground on this - it's quite possible Kamala will be coronated.

Halperin's theory is that Obama is only posturing to make the process seem more "democratic", when in reality there is no way anyone will challenge Kamala.

And my gut tells me he's correct, and my initial reading was wrong.

Now - that said - the end result is the same.

It only delays the civil war until after the election.

When Kamala inevitably loses, and the Democrats are confined to the political wilderness for the remainder of the decade.

from your mouth to God's ear.
I'm an honest guy and admit when I'm wrong, and I have to say:

I think I may have misread this one.

After having listened to Mark Halperin, arguably the journalist whose ear is closest to the ground on this - it's quite possible Kamala will be coronated.

Halperin's theory is that Obama is only posturing to make the process seem more "democratic", when in reality there is no way anyone will challenge Kamala.

And my gut tells me he's correct, and my initial reading was wrong.

Now - that said - the end result is the same.

It only delays the civil war until after the election.

When Kamala inevitably loses, and the Democrats are confined to the political wilderness for the remainder of the decade.
Kamala is 4 more years of Joe Biden, only dumber.
Hey White.

I don't lie bro.

Since when was refusing to endorse only a candid description when preceded by a question?

That's nonsense.

I just call things like I see them.

And I got this one wrong.

I'm probably the most honest motherfucker on here.
White assumes that everything that the legacy media doesn't say openly is a lie or a conspiracy.

The fact that the legacy media constantly lies to us doesn't enter into his mind at all.,
For any of you doomers thinking this was the game plan all along - that myth just went up in smoke.

Biden has endorsed Kamala, Kamala has said she is running.

And then Obama said "NOPE!"

The DNC next month is going to make '68 look like tiddly winks.

Just as a political geek, I am going to enjoy the history being made with each passing moment since the 6/27 debate.

Particularly since there is little doubt about how all this ends.

With a united MAGA party in control of Capitol Hill, and the Democrat Party in absolute tatters.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, RubeyPatriot


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