Why No Comment From The Secret Service?

I'm sure she'll be asked about it this week.

I'm more interested in the breakdown in security protocol between the Secret Service and local law enforcement.

People on the ground saw this guy on the roof...and nobody did anything about it??
We have two choices

Both equally compelling

First that the Secret Service is incredibly incompetent

And that means historically worst of all-time bad

The other explanation makes lib knees jerk

But wont go away unless the appropriate persons are publicly drawn and quartered to within an inch of their lives with no proof of conspiracy

And we arent there yet
The buck stops with her. But that is not what you people have been saying.
I haven't been saying anything. I haven't gone into the realm of she's a woman, she was hired DEI, or "woke". It has zero to do with any of it. That's just Internet alt-right talking points.
Regardless of what you think of Trump, he deserved not be shot at. That should NOT happen in this country...ever. Adding insult to injury is the fact that people on the ground saw the shooter a few minutes before he opened fire.
But there was nobody on the Secret Service or local law enforcement that did? And if they did, they waited until AFTER the shooter raised the rifle to respond?

Sorry, that's a massive fuck up. Regardless of your political viewpoint.
Watch the Congressional hearings this week. Director is set to appear before the House Oversight committee.
I'm sure it'll be fireworks. :)

I'm sure the cracker jacks on the Republican side of Comer's Committee will make themselves look ridiculous as usual. Whenever these people get Democrats sitting in front of them, they make all of these false allegations and insinuations, and then claim people are "stonewalling" them because they don't respond to the conspiracy theories being thrown at them.
I'm sure the cracker jacks on the Republican side of Comer's Committee will make themselves look ridiculous as usual. Whenever these people get Democrats sitting in front of them, they make all of these false allegations and insinuations, and then claim people are "stonewalling" them because they don't respond to the conspiracy theories being thrown at them.
If stick to the getting the facts, 1) How did no one on that team engage the shooter until AFTER the rifle was fired?, 2) How was it that people on the ground saw the shooter minutes before he fired but that team didn't? (have the same questions for the local LEOs). 3) Was there any communication of a shooter relayed to ANYONE on Trump's Secret Service team before the shots were fired?

If they run down into DEI, "woke", and posit conspiracy theories, I'd demand their resignation from Congress...cause they aren't serious about getting to the truth.
I'm sure she'll be asked about it this week.

I'm more interested in the breakdown in security protocol between the Secret Service and local law enforcement.

People on the ground saw this guy on the roof...and nobody did anything about it??
The swat team that was on the roof above Trump set up directly targeting Crooks Jack

They knew he was there, and they knew why

If they run down into DEI, "woke", and posit conspiracy theories, I'd demand their resignation from Congress...cause they aren't serious about getting to the truth.
warren commish, 911 commish, sloperoof commish

all of it lacked transparency and clarity Jack


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