A reminder about Kamala harris


Your idiot crew already tried that. It’s not gonna happen.

Also, of course, Kamalalalalala ain’t getting elected. She is deader than Biden’s brain cells.
Trump's already has his two terms, in the second one the democrats stole everything and all Trump did was whine about and file fucking lawsuits. So that's it he had his two terms and just sat around like a loser during his second term.
Trump still hasn't shared his tax return, it's been like eight fucking years and people don't get it? they don't grasp? he was lying you sycophantic idolators.
Kamala Harris:

Ummm, homework really works folks. Trust me.

She was never the "immigration CZAR".
She was never 'in charge of the border'.

Do MAGA's also share much of the world's perception that their reputation for under-education and being underinformed ..... is valid?

I ask....because so many of them so often willingly validate that belief.

Just sayin'.
Willingly, yet unwittingly.

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