i keep hearing from the Democrats, that Joe Biden did a great job while president. If so, why do you want him not running?


This is what stupid peope tell themselves to feel better, when they get debated into the dirt.
How would you know? You don't debate; you stamp your feet and tell everyone you're the smartest guy in the room.

Slappy, you're not the smartest guy in the room even when you're the ONLY guy in the room. :auiqs.jpg:
Why send the best thing to come along in 40 years to the showers?
Except he wasn't. He coasted. Inherited a really good economy and job market from his predecessor.
All he had to do was not fuck it up...which happened the moment his presidency was tested for the first time.
We don't measure our real leaders mettle when things are good. We judge it when things are dire.
And on that note, Trump fails. Miserably.
So you EXPECT career politicians are liars.
They tell tall tales. C'mon, you're old enough to remember the 70's and 80's clearly. Politicians tell stories to get elected.
But they don't engage in serial lying to the point you have even the most conservative of supporters with their jaws on the floor. :)
Yet you never name one.
How about one of his originals?...the Central Park 5.
Except he wasn't. He coasted. Inherited a really good economy and job market from his predecessor.
All he had to do was not fuck it up...which happened the moment his presidency was tested for the first time.
We don't measure our real leaders mettle when things are good. We judge it when things are dire.
And on that note, Trump fails. Miserably.

They tell tall tales. C'mon, you're old enough to remember the 70's and 80's clearly. Politicians tell stories to get elected.
But they don't engage in serial lying to the point you have even the most conservative of supporters with their jaws on the floor. :)

How about one of his originals?...the Central Park 5.
"Except he wasn't. He coasted. Inherited a really good economy and job market from his predecessor.
All he had to do was not fuck it up...which happened the moment his presidency was tested for the first time."

You don't know it, but you just described Biden.

It's okay. You can say he was a shitty President. You won't burst into flames or anything.
Except he wasn't. He coasted. Inherited a really good economy and job market from his predecessor.
You mean the Great Recession, worst economy slowest recovery since the Great Depression?

All he had to do was not fuck it up...which happened the moment his presidency was tested for the first time.
By a global pandemic no one had ever seen before where every country suffered greatly, yet somehow despite being the HUB OF THE WORLD, we managed to still come in EIGHTEENTH in covid deaths per capita?

We don't measure our real leaders mettle when things are good. We judge it when things are dire.
And Trump got us a vaccine in record time.

C'mon, you're old enough to remember the 70's and 80's clearly.
I remember JFK being assassinated, too.
"Except he wasn't. He coasted. Inherited a really good economy and job market from his predecessor.
All he had to do was not fuck it up...which happened the moment his presidency was tested for the first time."

You don't know it, but you just described Biden.

It's okay. You can say he was a shitty President. You won't burst into flames or anything.
Pppfft...You call a good economy one in free fall? Millions of people unemployed, hundreds of thousands of businesses shuttered, hundreds of thousands dead???
All on your savior's watch?...all the while..adding 3T to the deficit..BEFORE COVID-19?

Are there unicorns in the reality you live in, Dave?..take me there. :laughing0301:
Millions of people unemployed, hundreds of thousands of businesses shuttered, hundreds of thousands dead???
All because of a national decision by many blue state governors to shut everything down against Trump's wishes and you know it.

All on your savior's watch?...
As if we had any choice when Covid hit.

all the while..adding 3T to the deficit..
Whatever was added was mostly to fix huge lapses left by Obumma while Bammy sent off trillions in payments to green energy democrat causes like Solyndra instead.
Pppfft...You call a good economy one in free fall? Millions of people unemployed, hundreds of thousands of businesses shuttered, hundreds of thousands dead???
All on your savior's watch?...all the while..adding 3T to the deficit..BEFORE COVID-19?

Are there unicorns in the reality you live in, Dave?..take me there. :laughing0301:
I bet you give Biden the credit for creating millions of jobs when he closed all those businesses, don't you?
All because of a national decision by many blue state governors to shut everything down against Trump's wishes and you know it.
Sorry. But red state and blue state officials (governors, mayors, and business leaders) had to make the tough decisions in light of the fact there was no leadership coming from...well, Trump's administration.
Had he just given the tiniest shit about doing his job, the impact of the business closures, job losses and economic damage would have been mitigated...but...he was too worried about campaigning and tweeting.
As if we had any choice when Covid hit.
The buck either stops at his desk....or it does. :)
Whatever was added was mostly to fix huge lapses left by Obumma while Bammy sent off trillions in payments to green energy democrat causes like Solyndra instead.
No, it wasn't. Again, this was BEFORE Covid. And..as a bonus, a sweetheart tax cut that allowed corps to bring home billions of dollars to buy back stock.
Sorry, who was President when COVID broke out here?
I'm a little hazy. :)
You're a LOT hazy.

Who was governor of each of these mostly Democrat-run states?
covid lockdowns.png

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