i keep hearing from the Democrats, that Joe Biden did a great job while president. If so, why do you want him not running?

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Joe Biden is being hailed as a president who could get things done. But then why are the Democrats happy that Joe stepped aside for a colored woman that didnt do anything for the country let alone Joe? I wish the reporters would ask the question to those who talk about how great Joe did, "If Joe did such a great job, why did you want him to step down?"
Because his age and decline is evident. He has lost his spark and now he needs to retire and rest on his laurels.
Today's hard core democrats are like members of Jim Jones "Peoples Temple". They saw their leader's mental capacity deteriorate but the media liked the idea and they convinced themselves that everything was going to come out right. The People's Temple membership lied to themselves and everyone else until it was too late and so did the cult of Biden's temple (still do). Biden didn't give a damn about the democrat party or the Country. He was in it for all the wealth the Biden empire including his junkie son could gain by selling out the United States. Why can't you see that?
Sorry. But red state and blue state officials (governors, mayors, and business leaders) had to make the tough decisions in light of the fact there was no leadership coming from...well, Trump's administration.

Sorry Jack, my memory is very sharp. Quit trying to rewrite it.
  1. Trump proffered his plan in April of 2020 a mere few weeks after it started to spread in the US, and the democrat governors told him to SHOVE his plan, that THEY would make the decisions for their states because it was a STATE decision in their opinion, and the rest is history.
  2. Most red states had minimal restrictions and fared better.
  3. I can't think of any business leader (especially small businesses) who decided to put themselves out of business with impossible restrictions and lengthy shutdowns.
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Joe Biden is being hailed as a president who could get things done. But then why are the Democrats happy that Joe stepped aside for a colored woman that didnt do anything for the country let alone Joe? I wish the reporters would ask the question to those who talk about how great Joe did, "If Joe did such a great job, why did you want him to step down?"
81 million votes!
I don't care who was at the state or city level. Response to a pandemic starts from the FEDERAL level on down. Which means...Trump.
Trump has a plan that coordinates with fed agencies. They execute and collaborate with state agencies...who then collaborate with city agencies..in their particular state.

None of this happened...until it was too late.
C'mon Dave, give me a break....:)
View attachment 981322

Joe Biden is being hailed as a president who could get things done. But then why are the Democrats happy that Joe stepped aside for a colored woman that didnt do anything for the country let alone Joe? I wish the reporters would ask the question to those who talk about how great Joe did, "If Joe did such a great job, why did you want him to step down?"
Nobody lasts forever.

And the orange felon needs to change his diaper.
Trump would only be finished if Republicans and conservative sent him to the showers. That has to begin with the voters.

For the record, I expect a career politician like Biden to stretch the truth or tell the occasional lie to stretch the campaign point.

But Trump's lies???..are on another plane of existence. :)
Great story! Now tell us the one where democratic voters got to choose their presidential candidate.

Butbutbutbut Mah’ Democracy!

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