i keep hearing from the Democrats, that Joe Biden did a great job while president. If so, why do you want him not running?

I don't care who was at the state or city level. Response to a pandemic starts from the FEDERAL level on down. Which means...Trump.
Trump has a plan that coordinates with fed agencies. They execute and collaborate with state agencies...who then collaborate with city agencies..in their particular state.

None of this happened...until it was too late.
C'mon Dave, give me a break....:)
Wow. Just...wow. You really believe that shit, too, don't you?

How do you explain the states that didn't lock down?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this any thought. At all.
Your primary voters VOTED for him. You're going to pick up your ball and go home as a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY because you're losing?


It's going to be fun shoving that DEMOCRACY bullshit down their throats.
And I keep hearing 81 million voted for him.....where are all these people?

Like Lauren I want to know!

Wow. Just...wow. You really believe that shit, too, don't you?

How do you explain the states that didn't lock down?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this any thought. At all.
Which states?

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