Biden Proposing 5% Cap on Housing Rents

I voted for Trump 3 times, and I plan to vote for him again, but the exhorbitant rent increase damage is already done. Now the rents will have to DEcrease - I'm hoping for good things to happen, but I cant say I'm too optimistic about the housing rental situation.
It will take a bit but, if Trump gets re elected and he institutes his economic policies, inflation will decrease and prices will go down because there will be more room for competition. Rent control is forever. Just ask San Francisco where rent control destroyed the RE market.
Look like you didn't take my advice in Post # 485.

AGAIN >> 90% of New York City apartment buildings (under rent control for decades) are clean, healthy, fully occupied, and not anything like dilapidated slums. You're just talking standard landlord propaganda, that doesnt stand up to reality. See Post # 182.
I don’t heed stupid advice.
I hope they open Tampa Housing Authority Projects and protectionist can move his commie ass into them. He'll be happy then, just like everyone who has ever lived in the Chicago Housing Authority projects. Government control at its finest.
I'm happy where I'm living right now, despite $414/mo more than I was paying in 2021. And as I told you before, as the enemy of US businesses that you clearly are, if anyone fits the "commie" slur around here, that would be you.

And how did "Chicago" get into this ? 🤔
It will take a bit but, if Trump gets re elected and he institutes his economic policies, inflation will decrease and prices will go down because there will be more room for competition. Rent control is forever. Just ask San Francisco where rent control destroyed the RE market.
I dont have to ask anybody anything. I was raised from birth in a rent controlled apartment in New York (upper Manhattn), and lived in it for 21 years. Lived in more rent controlled ones in the Bronx for another 10 years. Everything was fine. Nothing "destroyed". See post # 182.

As for rents coming down from their lofty heights, I don't see landlords lowering them one dime, without being forced to. If it happens, great.
I'm happy where I'm living right now, despite $414/mo more than I was paying in 2021. And as I told you before, as the enemy of US businesses that you clearly are, if anyone fits the "commie" slur around here, that would be you.

And how did "Chicago" get into this ? 🤔
Wait. Some idiot said that rents are increasing at a rate of $1,000.00 a month. That means you should be paying well over $25,000.00 a month in rent.
Wait. Some idiot said that rents are increasing at a rate of $1,000.00 a month. That means you should be paying well over $25,000.00 a month in rent.
I won't even bother to ask where in hell that came from. Phheeeeew!! (high-pitched whistle)

Make that send 2 doctors over here. :rolleyes:
I dont have to ask anybody anything. I was raised from birth in a rent controlled apartment in New York (upper Manhattn), and lived in it for 21 years. Lived in more rent controlled ones in the Bronx for another 10 years. Everything was fine. Nothing "destroyed". See post # 182.

As for rents coming down from their lofty heights, I don't see landlords lowering them one dime, without being forced to. If it happens, great.
Well, you lived in a below the Market rental due to government policies, not the free Market.

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