Grassley admits he has no idea if recordings showing Biden discussing 5-million-dollar bribe is real.

This story really grew legs in the conservative media ecosphere this week when Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) hyped up the potential existence of “audio tapes” proving Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian energy company while he was vice president.
Yet, while top GOP lawmakers have breathlessly promoted these purported tapes as an absolute bombshell proving the corruption of the president and his family, they’ve simultaneously acknowledged that these recordings may not exist at all and could be “just a bluff.”
However, Grassley also told Fox News earlier this month that “it’s not for me to make a judgment about whether these accusations are accurate or not,” Grassley added that he hoped that Trump is proud of him for pushing so hard for a Biden probe. “Well, I hope he thinks I’m doing good work,”
Just another example of the lies and deceit of trump's party.
On Glenn Beck's show, they also admitted the recent tapes claimed to show Biden having to be led around were also out of context fakes.
I remember when the Republican Party had integrity, back before it became the MAGA party where lies, and deception is the GOTO strategy.
Well, it doesn't have to be real. They don't need proof.

The GQP congress and MAGA media know that, so they just keep feeding it to the rubes.
I'd say he has a lot more credibility than Admitted Liar Mike Cohen who confessed to robbing Trump on the stand (and was not charged by the leftist DA)

Or Stormy Fucking Daniels whose testimony directly contradicted her previous statements.

You do know they were both close to Trump? :auiqs.jpg:

Gawd, you people are so stupid when attempting to defend the indefensible Trump.
Geez, all he is saying is they exist, if they are real or doctored etc isn’t for him to say, the investigation will determine what they are. Sadly though, we are stuck with whatever the investigators say since xiden can’t be prosecuted by the DOJ for being senile
No. Read it again. He says he has no idea if they exist.
I'd say he has a lot more credibility than Admitted Liar Mike Cohen who confessed to robbing Trump on the stand (and was not charged by the leftist DA)

Or Stormy Fucking Daniels whose testimony directly contradicted her previous statements.
Well the Trump team lied in court and claimed they never paid Cohen for the Stormy hush money or expenses that Cohen made as an over claim he paid.....(stole from Trump)....

Since Trump lied and said he never paid Cohen back for it, then Cohen never stole it.... :rolleyes-41:
Since when is proof needed? Have you forgotten the uncorroborated testimony of Jean Carroll? Bobulinski sounds legit, let 12 angry men determine the fate of the Bidens
Civil defamation suit, is not a criminal trial silly willy!

Bobulinski never testified that Biden received $5 million from anyone.... There is no crime to charge Biden with....what part of that, do you not understand? You are dealing in bull crap, in fake news, and some of your own creation....

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