Debate Now A Hard Look at the MAGA Movement

Yes, but it should be up to the states to decide if abortion is wrong or not. Also, we should stop having tax dollars going for abortions, because if the woman wants to murder her own child, then she should pay for that execution. When the bill comes due, she might have a change of heart the next time.

the intentional killing of an innocent living human being is the feds business,,

you even said MURDER,, so its not a state issue
of course its a contract,,

its churchs that should be pushing it not schools,,
the schools are already having problems with what they are supposed to be doing,,

in my case I the man dropped below the poverty line while she with the kids moved into a brand new house,,

and then I was hounded and even put in jail because I couldnt keep up with her bills while also being with the kids and providing them with a home,,

Sounds like a bummer.
1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?

America is in decline Morally, Financially, and other world powers are challenging our Greatness.

2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?

Less government Regulations, Energy Independence, Secure Borders, and draining the cess pool Swamp of Washington.

3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?

The Globalist/WEF have spent us into insanity. They have every intention of taking us under. Can this be stopped? Doubtfull. The debt is through the roof. I dont think anyone can stop that now. We are too far in debt.

They will reset us. Then basically try to enslave us.
To the comments of when was it great??.

I grew up in the Leave it to Beaver days. Back then one man could work and support a family. Get a home and have a comfortable life.

Not so anymore. The Career corrupt politicians have fucked us.
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?

Less government Regulations, Energy Independence, Secure Borders, and draining the cess pool Swamp of Washington.
Here is a very informative recent press release about the costs of Biden's new regulations, compared to both Obama and Trump:


Four more years of Biden or any other big regulating Democrat might well break us. Then we would not even be a good nation, much less a great one.
First let's look's at what MAGA is?
It is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?
3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?
MAGA or Make America Great Again is the slogan for a strong, secure, prosperous American with liberty, choices, options, and opportunity for all. There is no one nor just a few reasons it is not that now, but an out of control authoritarian too intrusive too expensive government, open borders, a breakdown in traditional values, an assault on American history, faith, traditions, culture and a government interested its own power instead of serving the people and more all contribute to America's decline.

The MAGA goal is to restore America to be the amazing country it was intended to be.
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First let's look's at what MAGA is?
It is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?
3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?

The elites of both political parties sold us out to global corporate interests. The elites of both parties do not give a crap about everyday Americans. An America first policy means our political leaders must make America and the American people their first priority. That is the movement in a nutshell. I do not understand how anyone can logically argue against that position.
The elites of both political parties sold us out to global corporate interests. The elites of both parties do not give a crap about everyday Americans. An America first policy means our political leaders must make America and the American people their first priority. That is the movement in a nutshell. I do not understand how anyone can logically argue against that position.
The reason the GOP establishment, all the Democrats and their surrogate media and institutions have tried to take Trump down is because he isn't one of them and he is a threat to their personal positions and power. He is neither politician nor ideologue. He doesn't think of things as issues or dogma or in partisan terms. He sees problems that need to be fixed or goals that need to be reached for the good of America and Americans and he digs in to find a way to do that.
"...all the Democrats and their surrogate media and institutions have tried to take Trump down is because he isn't one of them and he is a threat to their personal positions and power. He is neither politician nor ideologue..." <<< excellent!!!!!

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