Debate Now A Hard Look at the MAGA Movement

Government is We The People.

And our RNC is a bunch of corporate hacks. This stuff is to money laden.

you know better than that,,

we cant pass laws or repeal regulations,,

why did you leave out democrats as corporate hacks??
they are in just as deep as the GOP if not more,,
why did you leave out democrats as corporate hacks??
they are in just as deep as the GOP if not more,,

My apologies.

I don't expect the left to stick up for our Constitution. I thought that was understood.

I have detested Joe Biden for years (since 1987).

I EXPECT the GOP to be purveyers of the 10th amendment.....and to uphold the constitution as directing a specific government. The GOP has failed me in that regard.

The RNC never mentions the 10th. They are worthless.
Greater before Bearded males in dresses want to pretend to be that time of month or even Pregnant to get in the bathroom with little girls AND setup Affirmative Action jobs or lawsuits if called the wrong tiltle, Ms. Jones.
My apologies.

I don't expect the left to stick up for our Constitution. I thought that was understood.

I have detested Joe Biden for years (since 1987).

I EXPECT the GOP to be purveyers of the 10th amendment.....and to uphold the constitution as directing a specific government. The GOP has failed me in that regard.

The RNC never mentions the 10th. They are worthless.
back in the day the GOP was a reputable party,,

but slowly over the last 60+ yrs they have been moving slowly left,,

and beings the two parties control the government that leaves conservative limited choices on who they can vote for,,

I think thats one of the driving attractions trump gives them,,

typically I would never vote for a dem or repube at the federal level,, but beings the dems and GOP elites hate him so much I have to find out why,
thats why I will vote for him this time,,
Greater before Bearded males in dresses want to pretend to be that time of month or even Pregnant to get in the bathroom with little girls AND setup Affirmative Action jobs or lawsuits if called the wrong tiltle, Ms. Jones.


But would really make America great is if we had a president who asked why people are getting divorced all the time.

Want to cut down on abortion ?

Keep families together. You can't do that with legislation.

And a president should tell people that.

Until we get back back to fundamental morals (and I am not advocating against LGTBXYZGFU), no government is meaningful.
I do consider those things.

And MAGA would mean a lot more (if you look at my thread on the topic) if it were specfic.

MAGA==> Balanced budget
MAGA==> Debt down 500 Billion per year
MAGA==> Inflation at 2%

Trump should have destroyed Biden with the debt. But he didn't. Trump does not talk about it.

I am grateful to Trump for Gorsuch, Kavenaugh, Barrett.

But I detest his stupid policy of running high deficits. It may have stirred GDP, but he still added 2.7 trillion sans COVID.

On the environment:

MAGA ==> Build 10 nuclear power plants to cut down on coal production
MAGA==> No EV incentives.....its bullcrap
MAGA==> Money for earth day

Not hard at all.

With regards to immigration:

MAGA==> Close down the f**king border.
MAGA==> Assylum claimers go to a huge tent city in Souther AZ/Souther New Mexico and grow their own food and provide for themselves (some infrastructure provided) until cases are cleared up. No just getting in like they do now.
MAGA==> Sanctuary Cities become illegal. Sanctuary cities are essentially nullification efforts and are illegal. Enforce the border with a gun and arrest any American who gets in the way.
MAGA==> Hang illegals who committ murders or rape

Not hard at all.
High deficit because of the Biden campaign working with China to loose upon the US, the Kung Flu where the Demoncraps were saying to lock down the country so they could steal an election. That debt was created so the economy wouldnt go to crappola. Then Joe took over and then the deficits really came on strong.
back in the day the GOP was a reputable party,,

but slowly over the last 60+ yrs they have been moving slowly left,,

and beings the two parties control the government that leaves conservative limited choices on who they can vote for,,

I think thats one of the driving attractions trump gives them,,

typically I would never vote for a dem or repube at the federal level,, but beings the dems and GOP elites hate him so much I have to find out why,
thats why I will vote for him this time,,

I am voting for Trump.

All I say to anyone who whines at me about 2016 is:


They shut up.

We have some good state parties. But the federal party only sees the states as doing their bidding.

Screw them.
High deficit because of the Biden campaign working with China to loose upon the US, the Kung Flu where the Demoncraps were saying to lock down the country so they could steal an election. That debt was created so the economy wouldnt go to crappola. Then Joe took over and then the deficits really came on strong.


The left pushes this narrative that Trump created more debt. It's all smoke.

Deficits under Biden (and his great economy......laughing and coughing) have ballooned. He's on track for 2.6 trillion this year alone.

Good thing the economy is so goooooooooooooooooooood. It would be 4 trillion.

But would really make America great is if we had a president who asked why people are getting divorced all the time.

Want to cut down on abortion ?

Keep families together. You can't do that with legislation.

And a president should tell people that.

Until we get back back to fundamental morals (and I am not advocating against LGTBXYZGFU), no government is meaningful.
we dont want a POTUS or any politician telling us what we should or shouldnt do in our personal lives,,

they can of course promote the family by giving tax breaks to intact families to the point of no taxs for large families,,

and outlawing abortion is protecting human life not controlling peoples lives,,
we dont want a POTUS or any politician telling us what we should or shouldnt do in our personal lives,,

they can of course promote the family by giving tax breaks to intact families to the point of no taxs for large families,,

and outlawing abortion is protecting human life not controlling peoples lives,,

I don't get into this argument with anyone.

I have a stance and that is where I am.

I am not promoting anything other than to say that if Dads were home, less girls would be getting pregnant (or that used to be the case).
I don't get into this argument with anyone.

I have a stance and that is where I am.

I am not promoting anything other than to say that if Dads were home, less girls would be getting pregnant (or that used to be the case).
that can be dealt with by ending fed welfare and returning it to the states and then using a heavy hand on welfare queens that have flocks of children from different fathers,,
First let's look's at what MAGA is?
It is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?
3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?
Biden has trashed America's status in the world
Drill, roll back the 'green' policies, close the border, finish the wall for starters.
These policies will work and worked during Trump's last administration.

If Trumg gets elected (or should I say when?) Look for Democrats to use more lawfare against him and do everything they can to kill American prosperity. Maybe look for another fake pandemic.
that can be dealt with by ending fed welfare and returning it to the states and then using a heavy hand on welfare queens that have flocks of children from different fathers,,

There are a whole lot of things that can be done by the government.

But the fact is that we break up marriages at an incredible rate. Sometimes it has to happen.

But if family is really that important, why do we destroy it on a regular basis.

That is not a political issue.

It is a basic question to our society.

Trump isn't going to save us from our own stupidity.
There are a whole lot of things that can be done by the government.

But the fact is that we break up marriages at an incredible rate. Sometimes it has to happen.

But if family is really that important, why do we destroy it on a regular basis.

That is not a political issue.

It is a basic question to our society.

Trump isn't going to save us from our own stupidity.
the biggest damage to marriage was done by reagan when he signed the no fault divorce that went nationwide,,

if the governments going to force us to sign a contract they shouldnt allow one party to break that contract and still get half the assets,,
the biggest damage to marriage was done by reagan when he signed the no fault divorce that went nationwide,,

Might have been. But that only made it easy. It didn't force people.

I hear of people getting divorced today for all kinds of reasons.....they don't seem to really see it as a big deal.

If we don't care about family.....we don't care about family.

But if we don't care about family.......little else matters IMO.
Might have been. But that only made it easy. It didn't force people.

I hear of people getting divorced today for all kinds of reasons.....they don't seem to really see it as a big deal.

If we don't care about family.....we don't care about family.

But if we don't care about family.......little else matters IMO.
thats my point.. "all kinds of reasons"

the contract says for better or worse till death do us part,,

so other than abuse they are breaking a contract and the government allows it,, and even promotes it by allowing the party thats breaking the contract to walk away with half the assets,,
thats my point.. "all kinds of reasons"

the contract says for better or worse till death do us part,,

so other than abuse they are breaking a contract and the government allows it,, and even promotes it by allowing the party thats breaking the contract to walk away with half the assets,,

That's not a legal contract and you can't make it one.

But a country has a vested interest in this area.

A woman gets divorced and she often drops (along with her children) below the poverty line.

The rest of the legal stuff is just that......

My fundamental point is that we should be emphasizing this more in schools and teaching kids about this.

It is our heritage and it is what we say we believe.
we dont want a POTUS or any politician telling us what we should or shouldnt do in our personal lives,,

they can of course promote the family by giving tax breaks to intact families to the point of no taxs for large families,,

and outlawing abortion is protecting human life not controlling peoples lives,,
Yes, but it should be up to the states to decide if abortion is wrong or not. Also, we should stop having tax dollars going for abortions, because if the woman wants to murder her own child, then she should pay for that execution. When the bill comes due, she might have a change of heart the next time.
That's not a legal contract and you can't make it one.

But a country has a vested interest in this area.

A woman gets divorced and she often drops (along with her children) below the poverty line.

The rest of the legal stuff is just that......

My fundamental point is that we should be emphasizing this more in schools and teaching kids about this.

It is our heritage and it is what we say we believe.
of course its a contract,,

its churchs that should be pushing it not schools,,
the schools are already having problems with what they are supposed to be doing,,

in my case I the man dropped below the poverty line while she with the kids moved into a brand new house,,

and then I was hounded and even put in jail because I couldnt keep up with her bills while also being with the kids and providing them with a home,,

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