I Took A Bullet

No not according to the lies you spew. It takes a moron to continue to lie about the same subject after it's been proven to be a lie sambo
When you can prove that what I have said to be lies,, let me know. But to this point white boy, you haven't because your very existence verifies my point.
When the Reaper comes for you, your time is up. If you do not die, the reaper has not come.
God is pro MAGA
You seem to love inciting conservative bois to murder even more than you love Trump.

Does the Trump cult approve of such extremist support of violence on your part?

(We do so love rubbing that in your face, and then watching you squeal. Please proceed, cult boi.)
You're the one squealing you cowardly crybaby. Every single time you open your mouth. Tell us again how everybody wants to kill you. That's good for a laugh.
If God wasn't Trump would have died
Not necessarily. God might have used that situation as a warning for Trump to change. Because if he doesn't, I realy feel bad for him when he reaper does come for him.

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