If Biden steps down from the Campaign, he should Also Step Down from the White House. But First, Kamal Harris should Resign.


I see that Josh Shapiro is fourth on the list. I had never heard of him until I googled "moderate Democrat governors" to come up with an example for this thread's OP.

I still say that Harris should resign for the good of the country. But given that she won't ever go against her own ambitions for that, better her than Biden to finish out Biden's term.
Elroy, I am of the opinion that you don't have a good understanding of the situation. That's ok. You are A-OK in my book anyway.
25th Amendment not applicable to President Biden not one bit I assure anyone posting that, or maybe a MAGA Mike Johnson nut type.
My idea is for Harris to resign, Biden to nominate a successor and then resign when that successor is confirmed and sworn in.
Rules of successionas outlined in the Constitution mean that if both the POTUS and VPOTUS are removed, the House Speaker, in this case, Mike Johnson, becomes President.
FYI: VP Harris is probably the most-qualified VP in years: Former Calif AG; former U.S. Senator and great voice of female rights as VP right now .,, a sure winning combo.
Rules of successionas outlined in the Constitution mean that if both the POTUS and VPOTUS are removed, the House Speaker, in this case, Mike Johnson, becomes President.
Why did that not happen when both VP Spiro Agnew, and President Nixon resigned?
Please expound
I don't even know if that was meant to be funny.

But as far as I'm concerned?

You're a fuckin' comedian.

P.S. This website rules by the way. Didn't even spell check "Fuckin'" since I included the requisite apostrophe.

US Message Board OWNS City-Data.

Well....yeah I am a clown. But mostly I amuse myself.
I have no faith that eye will answer.... So I was clowning.
I may have not posted a lot until recently but I been here a long time. I've seen that one before
Biden is old but he’s perfectly coherent and Harris is highly qualified for President. Biden is too old for us to expect 5 more years of this though. He’s slipped a lot in 5 months.
Harris has never been challenged and it shows when she gets what she even thinks is a tough question. Remember, she finished dead last in the Democrat Primary.
For the good of the country. She stands in the way of Biden being able to be taken out by the 25th, or resigning on his own.

The White House staff should be negotiating on behalf of Biden with Congress to come up with a name who can get the majority of votes for confirmation from both the Dem Senate and the Rep House.

My recommendation would be Josh Shapiro (D), governor of Pennsylvania. He's a moderate Democrat and he got 15% of the votes of registered Republicans in his 2022 run for governor. Point would be to get someone in the VP slot that Biden could plausibly resign and have take his job as a temporary replacement.

That would leave Newsome, Whitmer, Harris and whoever else to fight for the delegates at the convention.

Why would any Republican vote for a new Dem VP?
Kamala should resign. Today.

Then if Biden leaves office early, the Speaker of the House becomes President.
All moot, because Democrats are going to lose, doesn't matter what they do re candidates; it the rioting and murders their psychotic base is going to be doing that matters. They will attempt to burn down the cities.

It's laughable that Democrats care about what is 'good for the country'; they care about what's good for Red China and their kiddie raper perverts.
Rules of successionas outlined in the Constitution mean that if both the POTUS and VPOTUS are removed, the House Speaker, in this case, Mike Johnson, becomes President.
MAGA Mike Johnson (R-LA) for prez ... if so I'd rather move to Moscow and be under Putin - better than the weasel MAGA Mike... he supported fake electors and Jan 6 rioters... and of course he is glued to Trump's fat ass, too.

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