Michigan governor Gretchen whitmore sends a message to trump and Vance.

Is she unaware that the entire abortion issue now belongs to the states? Or is she still worrying that people may be planting vegetable and flower gardens in violation of he covid rules. Or, is she trying to phony up another fake kidnap case?
So ahead of trump and vances Michigan rally today governor whitmore had a message for them.

I don't understand how someone that is a state governor can either just lie or be so out of touch as to say these things. Not to mention be so antagonizing for no reason, what was the point of that beyond trying to stir the shit up.

Trump has stated multiple times he will not ban abortion and will instead leave it up to the states.

Trump has said multiple times he has nothing to do with project 2025. It's just some made up idea that people tried to claim was Trump's agenda.

That's two of her three points that are lies or just her showing she knows nothing and just regurgitating falsehoods repeated by others.

I'm not sure about the uaw comment though.

All four of my family members live here in MI. My kids--college grads, professional jobs--cannot afford rent on their own. Even for a one-bedroom apt. So, they will be voting Trump.

Huge fail, Whitmer. And oh, the roads still suck
Whitmore sure does like to lie.
1. Trump has repeatedly said that he will reject any bill on a "national" abortion ban, as he wants it to remain up to each state, as the Supreme Court has ruled.
2. Trump has openly said that he is "not onboard" with the Project 2025 agenda.
If you look at those things he accomplished while in the Oval Office, you will find that those things weren't bad. He just doesn't want us to go down the Marxist route.
Democrats are trying to destroy the Constitutional Republic and replace it with direct democracy. That's why their bleating over "democracy" is failing.
Ummm....please correct me if I am wrong, didn't the auto industry go bust back in the mid-1980's - early 1990's?
How's that even have to do with Trump? Lol

Sort of. The industry collapsed party then due to arrogance and sloth that they were just too big to fail between management and unions fat, dumb and sloppy/happy that they failed to keep innovating, and the Japanese then came along and reinvented the wheel and ran right over them.

The other reason was massive government over-regulation.

Now Biden is coming along and dealing them the final death blow by forcing them to go all in on EV cars, something very expensive to develop that most people don't want because of cost and impracticality. What Trump is trying to do is reinvigorate the industry again by allowing them to actually make a quality, affordable product that people really want driven by free market choices.
Their bullshit not only isn't selling, they're making their own constituents very angry.
Except a certain segment who seem to live in their own reality.
I read awhile ago that approximately 12% of the population has a serious mental illness.
Is there a connection?
When Trump tells you he doesn't know about something or someone, he knows everything about it. He is all in on Project 2025.
Except a certain segment who seem to live in their own reality.
I read awhile ago that approximately 12% of the population has a serious mental illness.
Is there a connection?
You livein that segment. That's why you are MAGA.
When Trump tells you he doesn't know about something or someone, he knows everything about it. He is all in on Project 2025.
Just wait for project 2026. You are definitely gonna hate it

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