Trump ear didn't require stitches - just a scratch

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I fail to see why the lack of stitches makes any difference in the matter.
OMG...Trump wore a bandage.
I have been wrong about everything and now fully support Biden...


What do you pathetic trolls think you are accomplishing with these sad pathetic desperate threads?
I fail to see why the lack of stitches makes any difference in the matter.
Yeah I know. I know someone who had part of their ear pulled off in a fight. They didn't get stitches. It was cauterized. I know this because they tried to sue me for it, so I got an itemized bill. But Arizona law doesn't give many rights to trespassers who attacked land owners.
Amen! Trump is a world class drama queen!
Oh, but demowacy is at stake according to you piss-pants Marxist losers.
Your 20th century distortion of Humanity has run its course; now it is time for the reverence of our awesome Constitution.
Marxism FAILED everywhere it was implemented, and the last remnants of that SICK ideology is today's Democratic Party of all places, right here in America.

Trump was almost killed OP!

It was a miracle that saved him!

Bless President Trump! :clap2:
Trump is a bad man.

I always thought the gauze pad was a little over the top, I'm surprised someone so arrogant would allow himself to look so stupid wearing something so oversized.
It was over the top

But so what?

Trump came within 10 mm of being killed because of woke diversity infused Secret Service incompetence

If people saw the bandage and associated biden policy that's a good thing
Almighty God saved President Trump from serious injury and death.

All of America , heck, the whole world, should be pleased that his injury wasn't that severe.

The bandage was taken off at today's Michigan rally. Trump made a quick recovery without leaving a visible scar.

Trump sustained a gunshot wound to the right ear from a high-powered riffle that came “less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head, and struck the top of his right ear.”

The bullet track “produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear. There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear.”


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