61% of Americans believe Biden's violent rhetoric led to assassination attempt on Trump.

I believe Trump said that the Democrats are the "Enemy of the people" a few times over. That includes Biden!
I wonder how he will even get black voters this November when he seems to continue to diss them.

The big difference is Trump is spot in stating a fact that isn't even debatable, and blacks know why Biden needs to flood the country with illegals and displace them as the darlings of the Party, plus a significant percentage of blacks frown on kiddie raping faggots and sexually mutilating 5 yer olds like Democrats are fighting hard for. Trump won't get a majority, but he will double the black vote he got last time, and he already has a big chunk of the Latino vote; the Biden Farce backfired on Democrats. Three 90%+ hispanic border counties in Texas alone are now redder than most red states.

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