ALL the political violence is from the Left. ALL the assassinations and assassination attempts.

It was a 2A loving white gun worshiping conservative household.


More than 20 guns registered to father of Trump rally shooter

More than 20 guns are registered to Trump rally shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’ father, according to records reviewed by law enforcement officials, a source told CNN. All of the registered weapons were purchased legally, the law enforcement officials said.
Mom was a Democrat. Dad wasn't registered to either party. They were social workers. No Republican anywhere to be found. One thing for certain: he was a Trump-hater.
Let's not forget, ever, that the right is almost entirely responsible for the ongoing wave of political violence.


Ideology behind 18 fatal political attacks identified by Reuters since the Capitol riot​

Right wing - 13
Not partisan - 4
Left wing - 1

The righties here will now try to invoke whiny conspiracy theories to excuse their side's ongoing wave of violence, because they approve of their side's violence enthusiastically. They think that if they pretend that their very violent side isn't violent, they can keep on being violent.

Oh, one more thing. Oklahoma City, 168 dead, including a lot of children, at the hands of the right. Fuuny how the conservatives always leave that out. The left's body count isn't even visible beside the vast pile of corpses created by right-wing political violence.
Chicago gets more killings than that on any weekend. Not a conservative within miles of that place.
We don't judge people by the actions of their family members, that's North Korea.

The shooter was radicalized by people like you.
Your lies ring hollow. It doesnt take a genius to see that a white kid whose dad owns 20 guns, tried out for his rifle team, wears hunting camo to school, argues conservative points with his class mates, wears the apparel from a gun/explosive website, who took a gun and explosives to a Trump rally is a disturbed conservative loner kid that wanted to go out with a bang by getting famous demonstrating his allegiance to 2A.
Mom was a Democrat. Dad wasn't registered to either party. They were social workers. No Republican anywhere to be found. One thing for certain: he was a Trump-hater.
It doesnt take a genius to see that a white kid whose dad owns 20 guns, tried out for his rifle team, wears hunting camo to school, argues conservative points with his class mates, wears the apparel from a gun/explosive website, who took a gun and explosives to a Trump rally is a disturbed conservative loner kid that wanted to go out with a bang by getting famous demonstrating his allegiance to 2A.
It doesnt take a genius to see that a white kid whose dad owns 20 guns, tried out for his rifle team, wears hunting camo to school, argues conservative points with his class mates, wears the apparel from a gun/explosive website, who took a gun and explosives to a Trump rally is a disturbed conservative loner kid that wanted to go out with a bang by getting famous demonstrating his allegiance to 2A.
Well said.

The only outside data point is that he supposedly gave $15.00 to ActBlue in 2021. Except it's looking like that was a retiree of the same name.
It doesnt take a genius to see that a white kid whose dad owns 20 guns, tried out for his rifle team, wears hunting camo to school, argues conservative points with his class mates, wears the apparel from a gun/explosive website, who took a gun and explosives to a Trump rally is a disturbed conservative loner kid that wanted to go out with a bang by getting famous demonstrating his allegiance to 2A.
I'm just having to laugh when people say this kid was MAGA. Do you people ever think through the logic of your posts? Is a MAGA kid really going to kill the MAGA leader? Come on, man.
Nope. It's the kid. Act Blue admitted it. Unless the 69-year-old was in high school three years ago.

No critical thinking skills for you.

It wasn't a drag queen, it wasn't an immigrant, it wasn't a pissed off liberal woman. It was a 20 year old registered Republican who was bullied in school and liked guns.

The guy who donated $15 was a 69 year old registered Democrat by the same name in Pittsburgh.

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