Again, the statist left marxinazis harbor a different religion of revolution for the sake of revolution(war for the sake of war). EVERYONE that has lived or is living currently on this planet that humans call earth has a god they worship. That god may be $$$$$, destruction, big tits, anarchy, fame, political power, murder, themselves, Maker, drugs, robbery, laziness, war, pedophilia, gambling, booze etc. etc. etc. The god one picks to follow/emulate will dictate his/her attitude, interests, compatibility, emotions etc. Whatever a person worships they become. The statist left picked the spirit of revolution & that is what U R witnessing from them today. You have mentioned previously that U R of the Catholic faith so small wonder U notice trolling or personal attacks, as the statist left religion & Catholic religion are generally considered to be "non compatible belief systems".Also, unfortunate to see how “moderate Lefties” respond to these facts. Often with trolling remarks or personal attacks. Clearly some of them are on drugs. Others are just living in a state of complete denial. They have to be able to to justify their favorite politician or celebrity saying that men can get pregnant or homeless whites are privileged.
I think a lot of this has to do with the downfall of Christian values in the USA if somebody is not a Christian, it is easier for them to give to all sorts of debauchery and filth. Some Christians have done bad throughout history, but the point stands and it’s true.
Look @ the bright side like U R a member of the best message board in history & as far as I know the last of the last "Free Speech" Message Boards on the entire planet(last man standing!). We have forums for practically every person alive on the planet. Our political forum is diverse in belief systems & certainly opinionated. Our moderators are world class mods & that's WHY WE KEEP OUR RANK & FILE CREW because there are signs of intelligent life on USMB compared to UBER MODERATED Faceless Crook which fired me the 2nd time within 17 hours of posting my FIRST post(world record?), & I was not even in the political forum! Without the opposing sides opinions our USMB political forum would be as exciting as watching two window display mannequins duking it out in the ring.
YES, I do agree with your statement about the downfall of Christian values in our USA & the problems associated with it's downfall for sure.