Zone1 And Here is The Race Hustle

You don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. You have at leat 15 times the wealth. White crime should be less tha 5 percent. But instead you lead the nation annually. And it's a pathology whites have had from the beginning of ths country.
/---/ Actually, Blacks commit the most crimes, followed by Hispanics, then Whites. Now if you will excuse me for the rest of the morning, I'm heading out to play golf. I'll try not to commit any crimes in the meantime.

Numbnuts you can thank Joe Biden and his 1994 crime bill.
More stupidity. I supported the 1994 crime bill while bitches like you were barking about the crime crack created in black communities.
/---/ Actually, Blacks commit the most crimes, followed by Hispanics, then Whites. Now if you will excuse me for the rest of the morning, I'm heading out to play golf. I'll try not to commit any crimes in the meantime.

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No, whites commit the most crimes. Try not using a weak source such as

Crime Prevention Research Center- a right wing organization.​


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