Busy Hurricane Season is predicted for 2024

It's weather. No different than any other naturally occurring storm.

This recent so-called "deadly heat wave" has been only generating Excessive Heat Warnings here and there ... really funny ... more wide spread is highs in the mid-90's and lows in the lower 70's ... children, that's only Advisory level ...

Drink lots of fluids and mind that A/C thermostat ... I'm sure the Climate Change Freaktoids are screaming about carbon pollution so just turn your A/C off like they're demanding ...

Use a spray bottle and mist yourself as you ride your bicycle to work ...
This recent so-called "deadly heat wave" has been only generating Excessive Heat Warnings here and there ... really funny ... more wide spread is highs in the mid-90's and lows in the lower 70's ... children, that's only Advisory level ...

Drink lots of fluids and mind that A/C thermostat ... I'm sure the Climate Change Freaktoids are screaming about carbon pollution so just turn your A/C off like they're demanding ...

Use a spray bottle and mist yourself as you ride your bicycle to work ...
It's virtue signaling and that's all. God forbid they actually alter their carbon footprint.
It's weather. No different than any other naturally occurring storm.
It will always be weather. The Bhola Cyclone of 1970 was just weather... weather that killed over 300,000 people. I'm asking you if you think the heat wave under discussion will cause NO harm?
It will always be weather. The Bhola Cyclone of 1970 was just weather... weather that killed over 300,000 people. I'm asking you if you think the heat wave under discussion will cause NO harm?
No different than any other naturally occurring heat wave during an INTERGLACIAL period.
Sounds like the elites are tired of the serfs dirtying up their childrens' air and water.

So apparently they want to thin out the serf population and then that'll take care of that little problem...

I thought the applause afterward was humorus. The Serfs seem to love them for it.

I think that they do not know that they are serfs. The useful idiots are always the first ones the elites toss under the bus, though, once theor usefuness has run its course, so there's that. Ha...
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Sounds like the elites are tired of the serfs dirtying up their childrens' air and water.

So apparently tley want to thin out the serf population and then that'll take care of that little problem...
What are your thoughts on population? You appear to believe that Harris's comment mentioning reduced population is a suggestion that she is advocating some variety of genocide. I trust you realize that is not actually a rational conclusion. I trust you also realize that overpopulation is a real problem with actual, detrimental consequences and that it may be avoided by simple education and not making contraception illegal as has recently been suggested by some on your side of these discussions.
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I thought the applause afterward was humorus. The Serfs love them for it.
I'm curious. How do you believe you personally differ from those you would describe as "serfs"? To whom do you believe they are bound in serfdom? Is there no one with whom your relationship might be described as a serfdom? Trump? The Republican Party? Conservatism?
I think that they do not know that they are serfs.
Personally, I think it a great deal more likely that they do not believe they are serfs because they are not serfs
The useful idiots are always the first ones the elites toss under the bus, though, so there's that. Ha...
You seem to have confused a point: useful idiots and serfs are not the same. You have also failed to identify your "elites" nor explained why elites would toss their useful idiots under the bus. Weren't they useful? Wouldn't it be preferable to toss your enemies under the bus?

I'm also a little curious as to what this has to do with the thread or forum topic.
What are your thoughts on population?

I think society needs less diaper sniffing busybodies like you.

You appear to believe that Harris's comment mentioning reduced population is a suggestion that she is advocating some variety of genocide.

Oh. Was it was one of them deep fakes that Tater's press secretary was talking about the other day?

Don't believe our eyes and ears typer of stuff?

I trust you realize that is not actually a rational conclusion.

Well it's a good thing I don't care what you think, then.

I trust you also realize that overpopulation is a real problem with actual, detrimental consequences and that it may be avoided by simple education and not making contraception illegal as has recently been suggested by some on your side of these discussions.

No, that's not it. Silly Goose. They appear to be have been mandating the consumption of experimental injections at the barrel of a government gun to get the ball rolling. With immunity granted to those mixing up the concoctions, of course.

Statistically, it's actually working. Birth rates are down. Fertility is down. People are ''died suddenly'' all the time now. And they have people clapping like seals for cricket sandwiches now, while they shut down farms.

I'm curious.

That's none of my business.

How do you believe you personally differ from those you would describe as "serfs"?

You and me? Two diffent kinds of people. You're a serf. I'm not a serf. I do what want. Duh.

You're probably one of the ones clapping like a seal for cricket sandwiches.

To whom do you believe they are bound in serfdom?

Generally your average bootlicker. Follow the boots.

Is there no one with whom your relationship might be described as a serfdom? Trump? The Republican Party? Conservatism?

Yeah, no, I don't really do that winger stuff. And I doubt that you even understand what conservatism actually means. Heck, most self-professed conservatives these days don't.

Personally, I think it a great deal more likely that they do not believe they are serfs because they are not serfs

Yeah, they seem think they're special. And probably think they're exempt because they showed up clapping like seals. lol. It's always like that. People who participate in coercion rarely know their role in it. And never understand the consequence. They're always the first tossed under the bus.

You seem to have confused a point: useful idiots and serfs are not the same.

Maybe I'm just a deeper thinker than you? Ever think of that?

You have also failed to identify your "elites" nor explained why elites would toss their useful idiots under the bus. Weren't they useful? Wouldn't it be preferable to toss your enemies under the bus?

Yeah, well I didn't post that clip as with the intent of circle jerking around with you all day on here. You're just not that important. Ha...

I'm also a little curious as to what this has to do with the thread or forum topic.

Maybe the topic itself just wasn't presented thoroughly enough. Ever think of that? Opportunists are never curious. Opportunists just want to control the narrative for their own means.

But I will say whatever I want, whether you approve it or not. Pft..
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It's not ironic, because it's not true.

You're in a cult.
The cult of rationality.

His comments about red states suffering the worst certainly applies to Florida. Increased water temps, storm intensity, precipitation, ocean acidification and an absolute idiot in the governor's mansion directing a state congress filled with similar idiots. The problem looks to me to be due to conservatives abandoning rationality because they can't seem to face what reality is telling them.
I think society needs less diaper sniffing busybodies like you.
So... are you advocating genocide for diaper sniffing busybodies like me?
Oh. Was it was one of them deep fakes that Tater's press secretary was talking about the other day?
You'll have to identify whatever you're talking about a little more clearly.
Don't believe our eyes and ears typer of stuff?
I'm quite certain that no one in the Biden Administration has ever suggested we not believe our eyes and ears. Now in the Trump administation, "alternate sets of facts" were a regular feature.
Well it's a good thing I don't care what you think, then.
The only harm you being irrational does to me is your vote. The risks it causes for you are significantly more substantial.
No, that's not it. Silly Goose.
Are you saying that overpopulation creates no risk of harm or that there is no risk of overpopulation?
They appear to be have been mandating the consumption of experimental injections at the barrel of a government gun to get the ball rolling.
I assume you're now referring to vaccinations. This is a perfect example of the greater risk you face as a result of your irrationality.
With immunity granted to those mixing up the concoctions, of course.
Immunity from what? Prosecution or infection?
Statistically, it's actually working. Birth rates are down. Fertility is down.
What is working? Fertility rates are down from the increasing availability and use of contraceptives. Do you believe the decrease has some other cause?
People are ''died suddenly'' all the time now.
What does that mean and what is your evidence?
And they have people clapping like seals for cricket sandwiches now, while they shut down farms.
Who is shutting down farms?
You and me? Two diffent kinds of people. You're a serf. I'm not a serf. I do what want. Duh.
Like skip personal pronouns? The only thing we know of each other is what we post. You are obviously just attempting to make an argument by insulting anyone who disagrees with you. If you were rational, you wouldn't bother with such irrelevancies and would argue the actual topics under discussion. The only conclusion I can draw, therefore, is that you cannot do so.
You're probably one of the ones clapping like a seal for cricket sandwiches.
I applaud measures that help people.
Generally your average bootlicker. Follow the boots.
A "bootlicker" is a subservient individual. I was asking you whom you believe the "serfs" are serving?
Yeah, no, I don't really do that winger stuff. And I doubt that you even understand what conservatism actually means. Heck, most self-professed conservatives these days don't.
Do you understand the word "anarchist"? That is how you seem to be describing yourself. Would you favor an anarchy in the US?
Yeah, they seem think they're special.
Your "serfs" think themselves special in what way?
And probably think they're exempt because they showed up clapping like seals.
Exempt from what?
lol. It's always like that.
No, it's not always like that. It's not always any particular way.
People who participate in coercion rarely know their role in it.
So you believe the "serfs" are participating in a coercion. Who are they coercing and what are they coercing them to do?
And never understand the consequence.
What consequence to what action?
They're always the first tossed under the bus.
Again, why would the "elites" toss those loyally serving them under the bus? Why wouldn't they toss their enemies - like you - under the bus?
Maybe I'm just a deeper thinker than you? Ever think of that?
Well, I can honestly say that thought had never occurred to me. But, again, serfs and useful idiots are not the same thing. If your "deeper" thinking has led you to disagree, please enlighten us.
Yeah, well I didn't post that clip as with the intent of circle jerking around with you all day on here. You're just not that important. Ha...
MY importance, like yours, is irrelevant. What's at stake here is what you and I SAY. And, so far, you're actually saying damned little. The material you've posted in this thread is nothing more than a collection of popular, paranoid, conservative anarchistic cliches.
Maybe the topic itself just wasn't presented thoroughly enough.
Which topic? The environment? The predictions of a busy hurricane season this year? If you can tell us how a discussion of "serfs" and "elites" is involved in or contributes to a discussion on either of those topics, it would be nice to hear it. Moderators have shut down lots of threads and deleted posts when they wandered off topic.
Ever think of that?
I think you're just throwing shit at the wall.
Opportunists are never curious. Opportunists just want to control the narrative.
Why would you think I am an opportunist? Why would opportunists never be curious? Why would opportunists have some exceptional desire to "control the narrative" (vice that simply being how discussion boards operate) and what evidence do you have to support anything you've said anywhere in this thread?
But I will say whatever I want, whether you approve it or not.
I have never suggested that you require my approval. I have stated that your expressed views are irrational and that irrationality puts you at risk; that you would serve your own best interests by learning and practicing rationality rather than mindlessly spouting anarchistic drivel as you've done here and on numerous other threads.
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