What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t

The worshipers of the elderly criminal can howl like hyenas in heat if sexist character assassination brings them joy.
Of course, given their veneration of a notorious superannuated skank, you'd think they'd concoct something less self-indicting.
First off, when Trump entered office, crossings were are historic lows. Trumps policies began the problem, However in this case, there was a bi partsan bill that Repuicans rejected so that Trump could make it a campaign issue. It's time you stopped believing the bullshit that comes out of Trumps mouth.
What Trump policy increased border crossings?

Bullshit? It's bullshit that Biden NEEDED anything from Congress to fix the border! He screwed it up with Executive Orders and he could have fixed it with Executive Orders! Anyone claiming otherwise is shoveling some Grade A Bullshit!
You are wrong. It's just that simple. Inflation was 1.4 percent during COVID and you act like thats some kind of accomplishment. It goes up to 9 percent when people are able to spend money but the supplies are short and you blame that on Biden? You are really dumb.
Which is EXACTLY why Larry Summers warned Biden not to push through that huge spending bill! He warned Joe Biden that putting trillions of dollars in Government spending into the economy just as it was coming out of the pandemic was going to be dangerously inflationary. Summers was spot on. Biden ignored that advice and the citizens of this country paid for the decision with tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket.
What Trump policy increased border crossings?

Bullshit? It's bullshit that Biden NEEDED anything from Congress to fix the border! He screwed it up with Executive Orders and he could have fixed it with Executive Orders! Anyone claiming otherwise is shoveling some Grade A Bullshit!
Yes, it would take legislation to fix the border. An EO is just temporary. Again, when Trump came to office border crossings wre at a 50 year low. Trump leaves office, there is a problem. The fact remains that a bill was sent to congress, it was a severe bill crafted bipartisan style. Trump told Republicans not to vote on it because he coud use it as an issue. YOU ignore that part because you want to. But the situation could have been solved if not for Republicans, it's that simple.
Which is EXACTLY why Larry Summers warned Biden not to push through that huge spending bill! He warned Joe Biden that putting trillions of dollars in Government spending into the economy just as it was coming out of the pandemic was going to be dangerously inflationary. Summers was spot on. Biden ignored that advice and the citizens of this country paid for the decision with tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket.
Larry Summers didn't tell Trump not to spend to offset the pandemic and that began the inflation. The economy was dead dumb ass. Inflation was not limited to America idiot. It was gobal, it would have been global had Trump stayed in office. Be very glad he was gone, because we would be fucked right now.
1. Voters who hate Trump but think Biden is just too old
2. Voters who hated the choice given by Trump and Biden
3. Young voters
4. Black voters
5. Those who don’t want candidates in their 80s
The problem for the dems is Trump's decreasing unfavorable polling.
Black men aren’t going to vote for her the same way they would have voted for Biden...for some reason.

She does set up the compare/contrast quite well though, does she not?
You really think black men are not going to line up for her in the same numbers as Biden?

That would surprise me. What do you base that on? I would assume that she would have very strong numbers with the black vote.

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