Will the Democrats abandon Kamala too?

Will the Democrats abandon Kamala too? - U get two votes, this isn't hard, even LT. can do this.

  • Yep, I lean conserve

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Yep, I lean left

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Nope, I lean conserve

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Nope, I lean left

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nah, Joe's running, I lean conserve

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Nah, Uncle Joe's running, I lean left

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • POTUS Trump trumps them all anyway.

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Trump's a threat to democracy and stuff

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
check out what that comment was in response to -- then rethink your new time spent here. LOL
When I want advice from you, I’ll let you know.

Hold your breath until such time.

While you’re holding your breath, rethink the question of what value you offer here. Since it is non-existent, you might realize the time has come for you to just toddle off, the dainty.

Meanwhile, I remind you of a thing which previously had to inform you of:

Harris is our Vice President. 😎
Biden won every primary election and now many in his party want to kick him to the curb because they believe in the polls showing him behind.
When I want advice from you, I’ll let you know.

Hold your breath until such time.

While you’re holding your breath, rethink the question of what value you offer here. Since it is non-existent, you might realize the time has come for you to just toddle off, the dainty.

Meanwhile, I remind you of a thing which previously had to inform you of:

Harris is our Vice President. 😎

Democrats did not abandon anyone.

Please try and be factual.
Biden was not abandoned. Try again.

No need. He indeed did get abandoned. Your false denial is Cousy just silliness on your part.
There was no vote. No convention. Biden is in charge of the DNC. He made a decision, a tough one based on advice from advisors and friends, and allies.

Tons of his valued Party members colluded together (because they saw that his weak ass performance had unquestionably revealed his dementia) to get him to withdraw. He caved in.

You can try to spin it any which way you choose. But, as always, you have zero credibility.
No need. He indeed did get abandoned. Your false denial is Cousy just silliness on your part.


Tons of his valued Party members colluded together (because they saw that his weak ass performance had unquestionably revealed his dementia) to get him to withdraw. He caved in.

You can try to spin it any which way you choose. But, as always, you have zero credibility.
You are spinning.

btw, how was your vacation?
You are spinning.

btw, how was your vacation?
More off topic deflection from the troll, the dainty.

And as usual, you ascribe to others the very thing of which you are clearly guilty.

You are spinning faster and harder than a gym full of cyclists.

It’s obvious. It’s totally laughable and it stems from your ongoing complete lack of credibility. 😎
You introduced the topic of "spin"

but it's okay Oh thinned-skin one. We'll go back-again to ignoring your rants and raves.

carry on
I introduced your performance of spin.

I recognize that the truth bugs you.

Your claim of my alleged thin skin is just another example of your dishonesty and projection. Still funny AF.

PLUS, you have never ignored me. You follow me around like a puppy. You off topic troll.


After the Democrap Parody abandoned Potato, the question is whether they will now also abandon Kamala. The answer might be found in the fact that Potato dutifully endorsed Kamelhump.

So: my hunch is that the Party will “rally around” their blathering cackling VP rather than abandoning her.

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