Cold kills far more humans than heat does

So according to your logic there, a 3000C surface temperature would help life.

And this is why nobody takes you seriously. You can't think above childlike levels.

A person of normal intelligence would ask "would a change help or hurt?", instead of using your false "DERP! WARM GOOD!" reasoning. And they'd note that the data says warming would hurt.
Ding is the poster that makes a lot of sense and offers truth to readers. He is on the right track. We are not talking about 3000C increases. We are talking of cycles. Cycles vary. And you do not explain why it can be 100 degrees outside today but tomorrow only reach 80 degrees.
Exactly. Here it rained Friday night, bringing temps down considerably. But along with that it seems to have woke up the snakes. I killed a western diamondback on my doorstep yesterday morning and another in my dog pen this morning.
I spent some time in AZ on vacation and never spotted any snakes. But I have also appraised homes in a part of CA where Rattlesnakes are common. Did not see any then either. There are Rattlesnakes here in Idaho as well. So far I have not seen any of them.
I spent some time in AZ on vacation and never spotted any snakes. But I have also appraised homes in a part of CA where Rattlesnakes are common. Did not see any then either. There are Rattlesnakes here in Idaho as well. So far I have not seen any of them.
I live out in the boondocks. I have encroached on their territory. Unless they are a threat to me or my animals, I leave them be.
Exactly. Here it rained Friday night, bringing temps down considerably. But along with that it seems to have woke up the snakes. I killed a western diamondback on my doorstep yesterday morning and another in my dog pen this morning.
I spent a week at Scottsdale and generally then the temps outside were maybe 80 degrees and the last day I was there the Monsoon Rains came down damned near took cars out. I was driving in that heavy rain back to CA and as I got closer to CA the rains quit. But the lesson here is you may love the climate one time and hours later hate it.
I live out in the boondocks. I have encroached on their territory. Unless they are a threat to me or my animals, I leave them be.
Where I stayed that time I speak of in Scottsdale, others earlier must have run the snakes off. I am not scared of them so am more curious than fearful.
I spent a week at Scottsdale and generally then the temps outside were maybe 80 degrees and the last day I was there the Monsoon Rains came down damned near took cars out. I was driving in that heavy rain back to CA and as I got closer to CA the rains quit. But the lesson here is you may love the climate one time and hours later hate it.
I think that's called weather. In my area, at my elevation(6700'), it can change on a dime. Two years ago I had snow in July.
I think that's called weather. In my area, at my elevation(6700'), it can change on a dime. Two years ago I had snow in July.
I have lived in a wide variety of climates where weather changes a lot. It does not scare me like it scares Democrats.
Yeah, I like having seasons. I have lived other places, I do not like hurricanes, I do not like tornadoes. I do not like days long blizzards.
That mirrors my own thinking. When I lived in Germany we got used to cold. I never heard a German at the time go wild about warming weather.
Robert, do you consider someone who gets out of the path of an oncoming bus a coward?
Definitely not. Bus Drivers probably will try not to hit you but why chance it?
Definitely not. Bus Drivers probably will try not to hit you but why chance it?
How about someone who sees a serious problem but won't undertake the known solution because they find it unpleasant or uncomfortable?
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How about someone who sees a serious problem but finds the known solution unpleasant or uncomfortable?
I know you want to discuss climate. Frankly I don't need to persuade you.
I know you want to discuss climate. Frankly I don't need to persuade you.
I'm trying to show you all the things that are wrong about characterizing concern about global warming as democrats scared of the weather.

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