Foreign protagonist Litwin has the entire Military forum clogged up


They did just close down the IM2 forum, so there's always hope.
A mod on here yesterday commented that too many people were violating the rules in zone one, and that there were so many posts being reported that it was tying up to much of the moderator's time.
Which I can believe. A simple disagreement without comment on race, made in that forum would result in being reported.
I bump into him here and there aside from this US board. I got information that he's from Lithuania, where most residents still hate Russia. As an amature Sovietologist, I understand what's going on in former communist states. Aside from Litwin, there are some other pro-Ukraine trolls from former Soviet republics.

That's one of the problems with playing the Democracy / Free Speech game .

You have to be nice to Nazis and tolerate doddery old people who are OCD like Titty Winkle .
Ditto IQ2 .

And then you get those that identify with animals , like Horsey Horse . You never get any sense from him since he refused at a fence in the Breeder's Cup Grand National Steeplechase .
So cute, Luischen.

You have no record of being nice to those you label nazis.

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