Criticism of Israel

That is the clearest example of victim-blaming I've seen lately.
It's logic nothing more, should an elected government seek to increase or decrease the risk of terrorism being inflicted upon its population? are you telling me your struggling with this one?
It makes the victim of terror attacks responsible for appeasing their attackers in order to prevent the attack, rather than holding the perpetrator accountable for their actions.
No it doesn't. It removes the presumption that the causes of terrorism are completely outside the control of the state, I don't have that presumption.
This is NOT a criticism of Israel or Israel's actions, but a slur to paint Israel as the only one responsible.
There you go, that's interpretation messing with your mind - I warned you!
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If you were criticizing Israel, you would simply use the term "Israel" or "the government of Israel" or the "Israeli army". You employ the term "Zionist Regime" in order to emphasize the evil characterization.
I show no deference to evil, to racism, to xenophobia.
Um. Wow.

"Gas the Jews! Gas the Jews! Oh! Don't you mis-interpret me!"

Surely, you are not arguing that there are contexts where calling for the genocide of the Jewish people is not antisemitism and merely valid criticism of the State of Israel. I didn't think even you would go that far.

My answer would have been "do you mean the exact phrase 'I call for genocide of Jews'? because if you do mean that then yes, that statement violates our policies".

If she said that she was instead speaking general terms then I'd respond with "So the question is, if I interpret a statement as meaning a 'call for genocide of Jews' then would that statement violate our policies and the answer to that is also a yes".

I'd have crushed her and exposed her deceitful insidious manipulations for all to see.
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Yep, its their fault their women and children got raped.

Israel got attacked, they responded, and they were getting called NAZIs or whatever else. So, yes, I think establishing a "first" is necessary.

It isnt my fault you are keeping up with everything. Its certainly there for all to see.

Yes! They should stop fighting back! Excellent. I am sure you would feel the same if America was being attacked by all sides.

And a lot fo times its not. But lately? Its because they are Jews. There is no other LOGICAL reasoning for it.
I stand with the Jews, why don't you? at least they know what "first" means.

Here Lisa558 this is for you

Don't come barging into an adult conversation throwing tantrums and calling people names in future. These are possibly the only Jews you should be listening to, not the entitled racist scumbags like this cosplay idiot, a vile repugnant individual who calls for genocide and disgraced the US flag by wearing the uniform of a third world apartheid regime.

View attachment 981938

Lisa558 isn't what "she" pretends to be.

I'll leave it at that for now.
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Any guesses as to which other antisemitic poster Sherlock might be? I think he’s hinting we should find him out by the very name he chose.

After all, he did just join this month.
Anyone who thinks that "being critical of the Zionist regime and Israeli society is regarded as effrontery by Zionists" knows neither what life in Israel is like nor what the word effrontery means.
If you were criticizing Israel, you would simply use the term "Israel" or "the government of Israel" or the "Israeli army". You employ the term "Zionist Regime" in order to emphasize the evil characterization.
What's the definition of "Zionist?"
In what context? The word has many, many meanings.
Here's a rather rude female Zionist, one obvious characteristic they have is their unashamed antisemitism, the gentleman is explaining what Zionism actually is and she abuses him and shouts at him, terrible cult, the sooner we stamp it out the better for everyone.

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Here's a Zionist, one obvious characteristic they have is their unashamed antisemitism:

Yes. That man is an ardent Zionism. He prays for Israel each and every day, asking God to rebuild Jerusalem so it returns to its former glory. He is an incredible Zionist. What's your point?

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