"I think that I am the best person to lead the Secret Service at this time."

Authorities saw gunman on roof 18 minutes before Trump stepped on stage, Secret Service chief admits​

She said Trump would not have been allowed to take the stage if the Secret Service had known of a specific threat.
I guess a guy on a roof with a rifle isn't considered a specific threat. Maybe they thought he was just shooting squirrels.

Authorities saw gunman on roof 18 minutes before Trump stepped on stage, Secret Service chief admits​

She said Trump would not have been allowed to take the stage if the Secret Service had known of a specific threat.
I guess a guy on a roof with a rifle isn't considered a specific threat. Maybe they thought he was just shooting squirrels.

They were amazed he could traverse a sloped roof

Authorities saw gunman on roof 18 minutes before Trump stepped on stage, Secret Service chief admits​

She said Trump would not have been allowed to take the stage if the Secret Service had known of a specific threat.
I guess a guy on a roof with a rifle isn't considered a specific threat. Maybe they thought he was just shooting squirrels.
A guy on a roof with a rifle isn’t considered a specific threat when the target is Trump, and the Democrats are running Secret Service.

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