Voters chose Joe Biden in a free and fair primary. Anything less than another free and fair primary is an attack on our democracy and an insurrection

AFTER they won all the primaries?

YES. Haley won delegates, dropped out and then released those delegates to vote for Trump. Its the exact same process for Biden now.

No delegate has actually voted yet. Biden is not, nor up to now has EVER been the democratic nominee for president in 2024. He was the presumptive nominee.

And dropped out before the delegates actually voted. There's literally nothing that prevents a candidate from dropping out before the convention and commiting their delegates to another candidate.

It happens every convention. And did 5 days ago when Haley's delegates voted for Trump.
The DNC is committing insurrection.
.............I hope investigating this fraud will be high on Trump's list of priorities starting in January.
Something is wrong.
Well it is election interference.

Ummm, dear concerned posters: You do know the Democrat Party is a private enterprise? They can do whatever the hell they want if it is within their bylaws.

But, if you are so distressed by this.....well, don't just hissyfit anonymously under a fake name.....go sue the hell outta them.

Let us know how your case goes.
Thanks in advance.

head and shoulders better than Heels Up.

Ah, "Heels Up"?

MAGA Incel Misogyny ain't ever far from the surface amongst our fringie RWNJ contributors here.
Never, ever, do they miss a chance to dis women that they fear.
Which, I would speculate, is most adult women.

Just sayin'.
This entire panty shitting exercise among MAGA is political theater for no-nothings who MUST be the victims. Every convention candidates that have dropped out commit their delegates to a candidate that hasn't.

Haley herself did it less than a week ago. There's no legal conflict. This is simply MAGA being fed another pseudo-legal dipshit narrative so that Trump supporters can feel like victims.

As they must.
YES. Haley won delegates, dropped out and then released those delegates to vote for Trump. Its the exact same process for Biden now.

No delegate has actually voted yet. Biden is not, nor up to now has EVER been the democratic nominee for president in 2024. He was the presumptive nominee.

And dropped out before the delegates actually voted. There's literally nothing that prevents a candidate from dropping out before the convention and commiting their delegates to another candidate.

It happens every convention. And did 5 days ago when Haley's delegates voted for Trump.

Haley didn't win any primaries. Joe Biden won ALL of them. The more you lie about that, the more I'm going to point and laugh at you for it.
Haley didn't win any primaries. Joe Biden won ALL of them. The more you lie about that, the more I'm going to point and laugh at you for it.

Haley won delegates. That's all the primaries are: delegates. And she committed those delegates to Trump in the GOP convention less than a week ago.

Again, for the poorly informed and the desperately, willfully ignorant: Biden is not the democratic nominee for President in 2024. He never has been.

He was the presumptive nominee. No delegate has voted yet. Candidates can and do drop out every presidential election cycle and commit their delegates to other candidates before the delegates vote in the convention.

In every convention, Democrat or Republican.
My, my, my, Hypocrisy on full display. LMAO. Democrats are destroying democracy and democrats are cheering it. SMH, you can't make this stuff up.

Laughing.....every convention, candidates that drop out commit their delegates to other candidates. As Haley did less than a week ago at the GOP convention. And Biden does now.

Its YOUR ilk that called for the termination of the constitution.

Its YOUR ilk that called for Trump to simply be appointed president.

Its YOUR ilk that called for the vote counting to stop.

Its YOUR ilk that forged fraudulent certificates of ascertainment.

Its YOUR ilk that tried to dienfranchise millions of Americans by trying to throw their votes out.

Its YOUR ilk that attacked the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

Its YOUR ilk that tried to overthrow a lawful election.

Ummm, dear concerned posters: You do know the Democrat Party is a private enterprise? They can do whatever the hell they want if it is within their bylaws.

But, if you are so distressed by this.....well, don't just hissyfit anonymously under a fake name.....go sue the hell outta them.

Let us know how your case goes.
Thanks in advance.


Ah, "Heels Up"?

MAGA Incel Misogyny ain't ever far from the surface amongst our fringie RWNJ contributors here.
Never, ever, do they miss a chance to dis women that they fear.
Which, I would speculate, is most adult women.

Just sayin'.

So was DOnald Trump a private party. I am not calling for anybody to be sued. I am calling for someone to be prosecuted.

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