Majority of Swing State Voters say Trump is better choice to protect Democracy

I'm amazed at the Biden narrative and to what extent the right has gone to edit things in order to create this narrative. Biden is old, but he is not senile. I've seen senile. Biden has a stammering probem. But I have listened to his speeches and press conferences and not once has he gone off in the manner trump has. Yet people have chosen to believe that Trump is fit and Biden is senile. This meme was started by Putin and repeated by trump over and over. Maybe it's time to stop listening to this.

I just would like to know where we can find another younger politician that could do better than Biden gven the state of the world now. Republicans had the chance to pick a yunger candidate, but they didn't. We are seeing people talk about Biden but I don't see a democrat out there who could do better. People were taking about Manchin, but Manchin is 76. People are talking about Kennedy, but Kennedy is 70 and still has flashbacks from using LSD in college. DeSantis was the Republican hope, but he was inept and Florida is failing. In Kansas we have a democratic givernor in a red state, but she certainlly is not as skilled as Biden. Neither is Gavin Newsom.

The price of food is not affected by who is president. It is affected by things like the weather, or viruses that infect animals. We are paying more for eggs and chickens because of the Avian flu, not Biden. We pay more for fruits and vegetables because climate change affects crop growth, not because Biden is president. Prices are not going to lower because Trump gets elected. And if he is then we face Project 2025.

Nobody sane should want that.
no matter how you want to frame it....the one sitting in the big chair gets the heat, and thats biden....and lots of people right now mutter his name when they are paying their bills...
no matter how you want to frame it....the one sitting in the big chair gets the heat, and thats biden....and lots of people right now mutter his name when they are paying their bills...
When the economy was growing under Obama, he didn't get credit. So its funny how Trump was given credit for turning around an economy when he didn't. I know why that was done and you know as well. Then when Trump was in the seat for COVID everyone else but Trump was blamed by the right and still people on the right are giving trump a pass and crediting him for the low prices of things like gas during the pandemic. These same people blamed Obama when trump blamed Obama for any mess he made himsef. So, we should apply the same standard here which Republicans don't do. Biden is not the reason for prices.
When the economy was growing under Obama, he didn't get credit. So its funny how Trump was given credit for turning around an economy when he didn't. I know why that was done and you know as well. Then when Trump was in the seat for COVID everyone else but Trump was blamed by the right and still people on the right are giving trump a pass and crediting him for the low prices of things like gas during the pandemic. These same people blamed Obama when trump blamed Obama for any mess he made himsef. So, we should apply the same standard here which Republicans don't do. Biden is not the reason for prices.
he doesnt have to be the reason....the president gets the blame,no matter the party....its called politics....

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