CNN - Mr. Trump and President Biden 2024 Debates -- No More "Will you shut up, man?"

I don't assess his morality based on his possessions, I measure his success based on what he has accomplished in private life, and as President.
Cheating on all of his wives?

Sexual assault?

Decades of fraud?

Twice impeached?


Even your lane change is pathetic.
No lane change. And I don't give one shit about who is screwing whom. I consider showering with your daughter as egregious as it gets.
My concern is for my children, not the WEF. Not Gates. Not the New Liberal World Order.
Biden promotes it, Trump refuses to support it. Vote Trump.
It's there for all to see.

Which personal accomplishment did you like better?

When he stole from charities, or when he stole from university students?

Or is the the finger fuck rape that really does it for you?
Do you think yours or my vote will influence the behavior of anyone in Washington? The Biden crime and drug addicted family is no better than anyone else. Remember Biden telling us his poor dad was out of work? What Biden left out was Daddy was under investigation for stealing from the government. And I don't give a shit.
I am voting for the man who wants the border closed and refuses to turn us over to the WEF.

How about you? Are you voting for the man who showers with his daughter? Is that what does it for you?
He's drug and alcohol free.



No drugs, no alcohol. I
False of course.

Normal human pupils aren't that big when staring into TV lights.

Sorry, the evidence is definitive. It's Adderall abuse. As reported many times.

It also likely caused his incontinence that we have heard about.

And you can find many more pictures, if you ever break out of your cult bubble.
Oh look, another lane change.

You brought up his personal accomplishments.

Were you thinking about the finger fuck rape, or when he stole from charities?
Sweep your own porch Fort Finger Fucker:

In interviews with NPR, Reade, now 56 and living in California, said the alleged assault happened when she was asked by her then-supervisor to deliver a duffel bag to Biden as he was heading to the Capitol.
When Reade met up with the senator, she said, he pinned her up against a wall and penetrated her vagina with his fingers.
"His hands went underneath my clothing and he was touching me in my private areas and without my consent," Reade told NPR
Then there is the little girl who had to sneak to get a shower to avoid fingers Biden.

No lane change. Trump 2024.
False of course.

Normal human pupils aren't that big when staring into TV lights.

Sorry, the evidence is definitive. It's Adderall abuse. As reported many times.

It also likely caused his incontinence that we have heard about.

And you can find many more pictures, if you ever break out of your cult bubble.
One is willing to take a drug test. One is not. Vote for the one who is willing to prove he doesn't need drugs. The cocaine Bidens are a mess...

The only lane to prosperity is Trump. Vote for low inflation, no WEF and closed borders for your children. Trump 2024
The funny thing is, the only reason Trump accused.biden of taking drugs is because the orange moron himself does.
One is willing, one is not. Let's test them right before the debate!
If you're gullible enough to believe the orange freak's lies.

Anyone can go get a drug test at a third party facility anytime they feel Like it.

Why hasn't trump just done this already?

  Easy answer. He's completely full of shit.

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