Concerns President Biden, too old, not up to another four years - Tell That To Jeffrey Katzenberg

Trump is the big guy, with his weight problems, and he only wanders off stage, down ramps with assistance. Barring that, you can't get him off stage, any stage, running his mouth with crazy electric shock vs shark stories and doing his famous man jacking off two friends at once, move.
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View attachment 963213
DuckSpeak. YOUR "Big Guy" wanders off aimlessly during a "Big 7" appearance. Headbutts the Pope. Salutes the Italian PM. And looks like a Zombie. Can't even read a Dummy Board.
DuckSpeak. YOUR "Big Guy" wanders off aimlessly during a "Big 7" appearance. Headbutts the Pope. Salutes the Italian PM. And looks like a Zombie. Can't even read a Dummy Board.
Potato recently said, “packackackackack(t)”

And that’s the best he has spoken in many months.
Did he also point out to a crowd, telling them he did not care about them, he only wanted their vote. Of course that was before they started walking out.
I've said all along that if Biden was as he is portrayed by opponents (and yes some are avowed enemies), why have we not heard people who actually meet with the President back this up, or regarding the most serious accusations about him -- warn America? I have always said because most all reg accusations are falsehood, bs, crap. Biden will show up Trump at the forthcoming debates. The battle of the two old guys.

When President Biden made clear last year that he was planning to run for another term, some important Democratic contributors expressed doubt. He was too old, they feared. He was not up to another four years.

It fell to Jeffrey Katzenberg to tell them they were wrong. When some still did not believe him, Mr. Katzenberg challenged them to come to Washington and find out for themselves — then arranged to bring the dubious donors to the White House to sit down with the octogenarian president to convince them he was still sharp enough.

“He was like, ‘Trust me. And if you don’t trust me, trust, but verify. Come with me and see for yourself and engage with the president,’” Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, a longtime ally of Mr. Katzenberg, recounted in an interview. “And he started doing that in a consistent way.” In the end, Mr. Newsom added, “He really was instrumental in getting people off the sidelines and getting them to dive headfirst in this campaign.”

So Biden is good to go to trial for stealing classified documents?
So I can't believe my lyin' EYES? Sorry. I have seen Elderly family members go this way. But they were retired and in their 90's. NOT supposedly running the country. In reality ,the Bureaucrats are running things .Biden is like "The Wizard of OZ". A figurehead. And all the rest of the DNC SUCKS. No viable candidate.
So I can't believe my lyin' EYES? Sorry. I have seen Elderly family members go this way. But they were retired and in their 90's. NOT supposedly running the country. In reality ,the Bureaucrats are running things .Biden is like "The Wizard of OZ". A figurehead. And all the rest of the DNC SUCKS. No viable candidate.
They do not need anyone else, since running against trump. Trump is a few nuggets shy of a happy meal.
They do not need anyone else, since running against trump. Trump is a few nuggets shy of a happy meal.
Comparing anybody to Brandon is a sign of abject deflection.

Your boy is an entire Happy Meal shy of a Happy Meal.
I am just following the example of both parties. If I do not like the present, immediate solutions, I kick the can down the road, so we have a country to work the problem later, after the present candidates are off the stage. I certainly don't turn the country over to a fellon, out to destroy the constitution and rule of law (for person benefit) along with the DOJ and law enforcement with the power to investigate and bring charges at the highest levels. I don't want to see 95% of civil service worker fire for not being political appointees, hired to support the candidate that gets them the job. I don't want to see the United States turn it's back on democracy and self direction abroud, giving up struggling countries to outside Communism, outside totalitarian control, the natural resources plundered by an internation bully country, that decides to invade and take over. I will keep picking the lessor of two evils, as is my right. You can support extremism and destruction without me.
Yeah, how many decades have we been doing that and we continually get worse and worse.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
He Walks on Water. Trump was ordained by GOD to save the USA. The Dems support Perverts ,Trannys ,Illegals , Thugs ,both Black and White , and more Foreign WARS.
Ordained by God? That CONVICT is a sick demented old m#therf##ker, as are any of his supporters that actually think he was ordained by anybody, especially God for anything.
Ordained by God? That CONVICT is a sick demented old m#therf##ker, as are any of his supporters that actually think he was ordained by anybody, especially God for anything.
All I know is ,ALL Democrats are Commie Pigs. Should all move to Cuba.

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