"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

It sucks when your candidate is too stupid to debate.
I think Lakhota expected the moderators to somehow "save" Joe when he started to spew gibberish! I don't know how Bash and Tapper could have saved Biden from himself on that night. From the very first question it was obvious that Joe was having a bad cognitive night. Someone from CNN should have done a Bowman and pulled a fire alarm. That was about the only thing that could have helped!
Nobody cares about Ukraine. It's none of our business, despite what your indoctrination masters tell you.
It's almost taken us to a nuclear stand off, and that is unfortunate knowing what was said about Ukraines corruption, and worse the Biden's somehow being allegedly in on the corruption.

I always said that if you see what is allegedly learned about the Democrat's, and then them getting behind something like it's the biggest thing since ice cream, then buyer beware, and I mean be very aware.
I think Lakhota expected the moderators to somehow "save" Joe when he started to spew gibberish! I don't know how Bash and Tapper could have saved Biden from himself on that night. From the very first question it was obvious that Joe was having a bad cognitive night. Someone from CNN should have done a Bowman and pulled a fire alarm. That was about the only thing that could have helped!
After the debate the CNN analysts said Biden needs to be replaced, that was the truth.

Then the DNC or Obama said "with who"?

Now the dems realize that Biden can't win, and as the thread title quotes "we're f--ked".

Plan-B looks like throwing Trump in prison where anything can happen.

/——-/ That’s so cute, you being all frustrated and lashing out.
The only real comparison is to Trump’s 3 1/2 years which sucked.

So there’s that reality.
No, you stupid assface retard shill. I'm talking about since the beginning of America up until

now, assburger. Americans have always been better off until right fucking NOW.
Americans have always been better off until right fucking NOW.
The great depression didn’t happen. I take it?

The deep Bush recession didn’t happen?

American Civil War didn’t happen?

Women and Black people didn’t have the right to vote, I take it you think that was better.

Vietnam war didn’t happen. I grew up in it. Pretty sure it did.

No timing

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