Itā€™s not a ā€œbloggerā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

You literally have no clue whatsoever what the Daily Signal is. And because youā€™re such a disingenuous, pathological liar, youā€™ll Google them now and pretend like you knew.

But your comment there proves you didnā€™t.
Dude, the daily signal is a hard right media outlet. It's why you're posting from it.
Boom! You just accidentally admitted the truth. After falsely claiming they were ā€œbloggersā€ (šŸ˜‚).
Media outlets have bloggers tool.

Your offered article reads like digital popcorn of a blogger just mailing it in.
CNN admitting that they create fake news for ratings. Of course, their fake news always just happens to place conservatives in a negative light and never progressives. Pure left-wing propaganda.

Find an actual source. Fox was proven to admit they create fake news by a court.
Hilarious. Facts continue to ā€œtriggerā€ you and leave you with absolutely no response other than ā€œhilariousā€.

When is the last time you added any value at all to a thread? All you do is whine by posting ā€œhilariousā€ over and over and over.
Then quit posting such hilarious bullshit.
Anyone who turns to mainstream media sources for ā€œnewsā€ is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. Everything they do is designed to advance the fascist agenda of the left-wing ideologyā€¦

How so since only phax has a judgement against them.
Iā€™ll take indisputable video evidence over a court any day. Juries get it wrong. Judges have an agenda. But video is the purest form of evidence to what happened.

Thatā€™s not to say Fox didnā€™t lie as well. They did. And nobody should trust them. But nobody in the media has ever lied as much as CNN and MSNBC.
ā€œHilarious bullshitā€ is liberal code for ā€œohhhh shitā€¦Iā€™m backed into a corner by facts and have absolutely no response whatsoeverā€
Nope. Thats not it. Try again, dumb ass.
Then quit posting such hilarious bullshit.

Speaking of hilarious, a poster here recently claimed he had an "inside source" that Taylor Swift was not just going to support, but WRITE A SONG for.....wait for it...JOE BIDEN.

Of all people.
Speaking of hilarious, a poster here recently claimed he had an "inside source" that Taylor Swift was not just going to support, but WRITE A SONG for.....wait for it...JOE BIDEN.

Of all people.
Oh my. I've got an obsessed stalker. I suppose a stalker in real life might be scary, but having an anonymous stalker on the internet is kinda cool. Everybody should enjoy an ego boost like this at least once in their lives.
Oh my. I've got an obsessed stalker. I suppose a stalker in real life might be scary, but having an anonymous stalker on the internet is kinda cool. Everybody should enjoy an ego boost like this at least once in their lives.

"stalker" sure. You wouldn't divulge your source. Can't you?
Iā€™ll take indisputable video evidence over a court any day. Juries get it wrong. Judges have an agenda. But video is the purest form of evidence to what happened.

Thatā€™s not to say Fox didnā€™t lie as well. They did. And nobody should trust them. But nobody in the media has ever lied as much as CNN and MSNBC.

Phax is the leader in disinformation and shilling for a felon.

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