What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t

Joe Manchin left the Democratic Party. He ain't going to get nominated.
I know it may seem strange to you, but this is one I got to give you. If you search back I can tell you this subject is one I have refrained from engaging. But that's just me.
I wasn't talking to you.

If you ever say anything interesting, I might grace you with a response.
Well .. when the president puts you in charge, oh, the border crisis as the border czar, you'd expect progress.
Since only congress can realy do anything about the border and that got shut down by trump so idiots like you can blame Biden instead of the one who caused the problem...

And Pence was in chaege of COVID and what progress did he make?
Since only congress can realy do anything about the border and that got shut down by trump so idiots like you can blame Biden instead of the one who caused the problem...

And Pence was in chaege of COVID and what progress did he make?
Nice diversion .. his boss didn't get kicked out of the race either. I'm hope Kamala gets the nomination, and then the dirt will begin to be collected and shared. Going to be awesome! Maybe some guy from 30 years ago will accuse her of being a sexual predator or some other juicy tidbits.
Nice diversion .. his boss didn't get kicked out of the race either. I'm hope Kamala gets the nomination, and then the dirt will begin to be collected and shared. Going to be awesome! Maybe some guy from 30 years ago will accuse her of being a sexual predator or some other juicy tidbits.
Pences boss paid off a porn star to keep her quiet so he could get elected. I don't think 25 men will be accusing Harris of rape. You don't seem to understand, TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON. So you guys can try digging up all the dirt you want, but Trump is still convicted of 34 counts.
So let's get this straight. Harris had a consensual relationship with a peer 30 years ago which makes her bad.

But Trump has cheated on all three of his wives, has had sex with porn stars and Playboy models, has been adjudicated a rapist, and has had up to 25 other women accuse him of sexual assault, and you are, oh, so fine with that!

Party of Family Values, everyone!
She had sex with her BOSS...a man who was married and 30 years older than she was! In return she was given political positions that she was in no way qualified to hold. THAT is what makes her "bad"!
Pences boss paid off a porn star to keep her quiet so he could get elected. I don't think 25 men will be accusing Harris of rape. You don't seem to understand, TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON. So you guys can try digging up all the dirt you want, but Trump is still convicted of 34 counts.
Felons are allowed to run for public office, and nobody seems to care except democrats. You'd prefer to violate individual rights? You realize that Trump will appeal to the rulings, which were politically motivated.
What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t

1. Voters who hate Trump but think Biden is just too old
2. Voters who hated the choice given by Trump and Biden
3. Young voters
4. Black voters
5. Those who don’t want candidates in their 80s
Former presidents usually don't get involved in these kinds of political frays.
The operative word is "usually". but us REAL Americans know BiDumbFuck was a Manchurian candidate with the Mulatto menace pulling the strings.
Felons are allowed to run for public office, and nobody seems to care except democrats. You'd prefer to violate individual rights? You realize that Trump will appeal to the rulings, which were politically motivated.
Don't forget the biggie (Documents Case) was tossed out WITH PREJUDICE.
Pences boss paid off a porn star to keep her quiet so he could get elected. I don't think 25 men will be accusing Harris of rape. You don't seem to understand, TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON. So you guys can try digging up all the dirt you want, but Trump is still convicted of 34 counts.

There can never be anything remotely illegal about buying the rights to a story and labeling it as "legal expenses" in the books.
So the charges by Bragg were so ridiculous, they not only will be overturned, but are a reason to vote FOR Trump.
It is Bragg who is going to go to jail over this.

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