Who Replaces Biden before the Election?

Party loyalists like you and JoeB131 will vote for the Communist no matter who it is. Face it! Trump will accomplish something that only one other President has done. And that is serve two nonconsecutive terms. Grover Cleveland was the other one.

Grover Cleveland was kind of a shit president.

But Grover won the popular vote all three times he ran.

Trump hasn't won it once.
Thank G-d for the Electoral College then. This ensures the urban shitholes get as little say as possible.

Every time the EC has overruled the people, it was a fucking disaster.

Hayes prolonged Jim Crow and gave up everything America won in the Civil War.
Benjamin Harrison wrecked the economy with the Panic of 1893
Bush oversaw the worst terror attack in America history, got us into two recessions, two wars, and managed to lose an American city to a natural disaster.
Trump oversaw the worst pandemic in 100 years, the worst recession in 80 years, and the worst civil unrest in 50 years.

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