Who Replaces Biden before the Election?

If you would just honestly read my posts and take in all the information in your 'mush' brain, you may have a chance at reasonable discourse.
Until then, I don't care to listen to you ramble about LIES you tell.

1). I have stated repeatedly, I will NEVER vote for POS Lying Con Man trump, and I will vote for the (D) Nominee.

Read Up Robert.
Party loyalists like you and JoeB131 will vote for the Communist no matter who it is. Face it! Trump will accomplish something that only one other President has done. And that is serve two nonconsecutive terms. Grover Cleveland was the other one.
Those so called lies you talk of were just your own words quoted to you by this system we use on this forum. You seem angry I mentioned you support Democrats. I do not recall any R you mentioned you support or did in the past. Now is your chance.
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 12.42.30 PM.png

As mentioned earlier by me, you have either short-term memory loss, poor reading comprehension, or flat out LIE about my posting history.

Here is me replying to you about supporting (R).
Can you read it clearly NOW?
View attachment 981236
As mentioned earlier by me, you have either short-term memory loss, poor reading comprehension, or flat out LIE about my posting history.

Here is me replying to you about supporting (R).
Can you read it clearly NOW?
Yep. You say you will vote for Reichert. Not clear why you will, but sure you mentioned this one R person.
Washington State? That far Left lost cause? Sorry but Reichert is still too far to the Left.
Link to Reichert being 'too far left'
Do you even know anything about Dave Reichert?

Link to Reichert being 'too far left'
Do you even know anything about Dave Reichert?

Washington State might as well suffer from the first volley of nuclear warheads from Russia and I could care less. It's a loser Leftist state and I don't trust the GOP there. So no, you are lying when you claim to support Republicans when in reality, you are a far Left whackjob.
Washington State? That far Left lost cause? Sorry but Reichert is still too far to the Left.
Yes, please stay away from the Beautiful State of Washington.

Mountains, Plains, Rivers, Lakes, Islands, Rain Forests, National Parks, Puget Sound, Waterfalls, Microsoft, Bike and Hiking Trails, Dams, Economically more Stable than most RED States, and many other great things.

What's bad? Tent Cities in the Big Cities......EVERY state has that. Reichert 'promises' to clean this up, I'll vote for that solution........I want him to win to specifically watch and see if he can actually fulfill his Promises.

Reichert (R) has my Vote for WA Governor. Robert W
Yes, please stay away from the Beautiful State of Washington.

Mountains, Plains, Rivers, Lakes, Islands, Rain Forests, National Parks, Puget Sound, Waterfalls, Microsoft, Bike and Hiking Trails, Dams, Economically more Stable than most RED States, and many other great things.

What's bad? Tent Cities in the Big Cities......EVERY state has that. Reichert 'promises' to clean this up, I'll vote for that solution........I want him to win to specifically watch and see if he can actually fulfill his Promises.

Reichert (R) has my Vote for WA Governor. Robert W
Washington State could suffer from the first volley of nukes and I could care less.
Yes, please stay away from the Beautiful State of Washington.

Mountains, Plains, Rivers, Lakes, Islands, Rain Forests, National Parks, Puget Sound, Waterfalls, Microsoft, Bike and Hiking Trails, Dams, Economically more Stable than most RED States, and many other great things.

What's bad? Tent Cities in the Big Cities......EVERY state has that. Reichert 'promises' to clean this up, I'll vote for that solution........I want him to win to specifically watch and see if he can actually fulfill his Promises.

Reichert (R) has my Vote for WA Governor. Robert W
Oh, and incidentally, if you really want to have a dick measuring contest about nature? I'll take the Adirondack Mountains and Finger Lakes any day and twice on Sundays. Plus our apples are far superior to yours.
Washington State could suffer from the first volley of nukes and I could care less.
Idiot ^^^^^
If nukes hit WA, then you are DEAD too.
Sorry you wish for your own DEATH.
What a fucking loser.......General errrr......fake screen name huh!
Yes, please stay away from the Beautiful State of Washington.

Mountains, Plains, Rivers, Lakes, Islands, Rain Forests, National Parks, Puget Sound, Waterfalls, Microsoft, Bike and Hiking Trails, Dams, Economically more Stable than most RED States, and many other great things.

What's bad? Tent Cities in the Big Cities......EVERY state has that. Reichert 'promises' to clean this up, I'll vote for that solution........I want him to win to specifically watch and see if he can actually fulfill his Promises.

Reichert (R) has my Vote for WA Governor. Robert W
Did you vote for Inslee?
Oh, and incidentally, if you really want to have a dick measuring contest about nature? I'll take the Adirondack Mountains and Finger Lakes any day and twice on Sundays. Plus our apples are far superior to yours.
Great, I enjoy ALL of the beauty of the USA, including your BLUE state New York.
(You just gave away your location)
I'm sure I will be traveling through your area on our 40th Anniversary Trip this August.
Sure, you got great apples.....LOLLOLL, and WA doesn't?

You wanna discuss Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, Dairy, Panoramic Views.........Great.
Great, I enjoy ALL of the beauty of the USA, including your BLUE state New York.
(You just gave away your location)
I'm sure I will be traveling through your area on our 40th Anniversary Trip this August.
Sure, you got great apples.....LOLLOLL, and WA doesn't?

You wanna discuss Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, Dairy, Panoramic Views.........Great.
And New York has two more things that Washington wishes they had. Kickass cheese and outstanding wine.

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