An Unthinkable Choice: ‘My Blood Ran Cold’: Ex-Trump Official Horrified By ‘Criminal Plot’

I thought we hashed this out when Kelly was ousted? Are you progs so devoid of actual points of debate, and losing so badly you have to regurgitate this dumb shit? No wonder you’re going to lose…you deserve to.
Would you care to make a friendly wager on that, driver?
Trump got a few hundred thousand killed with his lies & stupidity during Covid, assbreath.

The imprint of Trump's ass on your forehead speaks volumes.
No he didn't you lying faggot. The white stains on your lips speak volumes asshole. FOAD.
I’ll wager you a gentleman’s bet…Trump will win, and we keep the house and take the senate back.
I'll take it. That's a lot of high falootin' hopefulness, I admire your optimism. So, no bux tho? Jeez, yer no fun.
No he didn't you lying faggot. The white stains on your lips speak volumes asshole. FOAD.
You must have brought the light inside the body like Spanky Trump suggested & it went to your brain, Trump humper.

What did that Pine Sol disinfectant tase like, Lerch?

Btw, assface, Spanky fucked up the Covid response so bad that hospitals had to turn refrigerated trucks into makeshift morgues, numbnuts.
I’ll wager you a gentleman’s bet…Trump will win, and we keep the house and take the senate back.
That's what you MAGAt vermin predicted first in 2020 and then again in 2022.
Both times you got your asses handed to you.
You make bets on faulty gut feelings and sucky past trends and predictions.
I'd love to play poker with you!
That's what you MAGAt vermin predicted first in 2020 and then again in 2022.
Both times you got your asses handed to you.
You make bets on faulty gut feelings and sucky past trends and predictions.
I'd love to play poker with you!
Like I said to dogbreath, I don’t gamble, God you progs are dumb.
Yeah? Let's see how recruitment goes after half the nation has given up on all the institutions.

Think Democrat men will step in to fill the ranks? PLEASE
lol great job. you elect a guy to wreck the system then bitch 'cause we won't die for him .

recruitment is a hard sell during peace and prospety as we now enjoy.
That's what you MAGAt vermin predicted first in 2020 and then again in 2022.
Both times you got your asses handed to you.
You make bets on faulty gut feelings and sucky past trends and predictions.
I'd love to play poker with you!
and they pick a president with the same faulty instincts and "gut feelings." putin, xi, kim, netanyahoo, mbs, and the ayatolahs love playing poker with trump.

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