An Unthinkable Choice: ‘My Blood Ran Cold’: Ex-Trump Official Horrified By ‘Criminal Plot’

He was there. Eyewitness Accountant. This man who volunteered to serve his country, who rose in rank and later served our nation as senior counsel to then Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly has a warning for us all. One article speaks of it being ignored or overlooked, and that was back in /august of 2023. I believe it's time to revisit this. Take a look people. This is Trump facing reality of losing an election. And it shows the people he was leaning on to help keep him there. Some of these people are now being prosecuted and investigated for un-professionalism in their professions, and in courts for criminal behavior.

An Unthinkable Choice​

Donald Trump’s advisers would have put the U.S. military in the position of defying orders or turning their weapons on civilians.

‘My Blood Ran Cold’: Ex-Trump Official Horrified By ‘Criminal Plot’ to Have Military ‘Turn Their Guns on Civilians to Facilitate a Losing Candidate’

Kevin Carroll, a former Army officer who served as senior counsel to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly during the Trump administration, laid out in stark terms on Tuesday a part of the most recent indictment against former President Donald Trump that has not received wide attention.

In the first passage, it appears that when a deputy White House counsel warned Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark that if Trump remained in office despite the absence of any evidence of outcome-determinative election fraud, riots would break out in U.S. cities, Clark responded, “That’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.” In the second, the indictment reports that when similarly warned of the risk of riots, Trump’s outside counsel John Eastman responded that there were points in American history when violence was necessary to protect the republic.

At the time of these statements, Trump planned to name Clark acting attorney general—the nation’s chief law enforcement officer—and Eastman had authored a memorandum advancing an argument, which he privately admitted was without legal merit, that Vice President Mike Pence could unilaterally reject slates of electors pledged to Joe Biden.

Taken together, these statements suggest that Clark and Eastman sought to have the vice president nullify the results of the 2020 election in bad faith, anticipated that this unconstitutional act might lead to widespread unrest, and that they planned for the commander-in-chief to order federal troops (or federalized National Guardsmen) to put down those riots. The armed services were to be told to use force against Americans to keep Trump in office, despite the objective fact, as established in more than 60 judicial proceedings, that Biden won the 2020 election.

This is laughable.

The military would not have turned guns on citizens.

And had Trump tried to get them to do so, he'd be hanging from a tree somewhere in Va.

That is what makes all your arguments so freakingly stupid.
Just like he was supposed to win in 2020 and how he would beat the Rape/Sex Abuse case and would get a hung jury in the criminal trial.

You people have such a track record.

But you're not worried.

You only post bulls**t on a pretty continual basis because you have nothing better to do.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
If January 6th rioters were mostly minorities, we would've seen Kent State x 100.

Don't quite your day job Nostradamus.

Well, you should probably find one you can not quit it.

But, your predictions have been pretty dismal.

This one is just stupid as you can't prove it and you can't disprove it. They were not so no conclusions drawn.

Do you really think you fool people with your whatifisms ?
Worried? No. If Trump were to win I doubt if would affect me personally -- not. The nation would struggle and probably most survive. This is not an endorsement of a man lacking virtue.

Wow....that's quite an admission.

Yes, well virtue is very desirable. But since most of this country seems to have flushed theirs, you get what you get.
Wow....that's quite an admission.

Yes, well virtue is very desirable. But since most of this country seems to have flushed theirs, you get what you get.
If you had ever paid attention to Dante's posts, you would not find what I say here that much of a surprise. So I guess you reveal more than you'd like to about yourself, when ever you go straight to posting actual thoughts rather than the usual crazed gibberish.
If you had ever paid attention to Dante's posts, you would not find what I say here that much of a surprise. So I guess you reveal more than you'd like to about yourself, when ever you go straight to posting actual thoughts rather than the usual crazed gibberish.

Paying attention to Dante was like having fingernails dragged across a chalkboard.

....than I'd like to ? Not sure what you mean (now there's a shock).

Like I said Nostradamus, we'll never know. It's a guess about a different outcome for a past event with different circumstances. The fact that you offer ZERO evidence to support your guess isn't my problem.
He was "ignored and overlooked" in a gigantic federal bureaucracy. The poor guy. Now he gets a seat in the liberal boardroom and book deal by spinning secrets about his former boss. Welcome to the slimy world of left wing back stabbing for bucks.
He was there. Eyewitness Accountant. This man who volunteered to serve his country, who rose in rank and later served our nation as senior counsel to then Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly has a warning for us all. One article speaks of it being ignored or overlooked, and that was back in /august of 2023. I believe it's time to revisit this. Take a look people. This is Trump facing reality of losing an election. And it shows the people he was leaning on to help keep him there. Some of these people are now being prosecuted and investigated for un-professionalism in their professions, and in courts for criminal behavior.

An Unthinkable Choice​

Donald Trump’s advisers would have put the U.S. military in the position of defying orders or turning their weapons on civilians.

‘My Blood Ran Cold’: Ex-Trump Official Horrified By ‘Criminal Plot’ to Have Military ‘Turn Their Guns on Civilians to Facilitate a Losing Candidate’

Kevin Carroll, a former Army officer who served as senior counsel to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly during the Trump administration, laid out in stark terms on Tuesday a part of the most recent indictment against former President Donald Trump that has not received wide attention.

In the first passage, it appears that when a deputy White House counsel warned Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark that if Trump remained in office despite the absence of any evidence of outcome-determinative election fraud, riots would break out in U.S. cities, Clark responded, “That’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.” In the second, the indictment reports that when similarly warned of the risk of riots, Trump’s outside counsel John Eastman responded that there were points in American history when violence was necessary to protect the republic.

At the time of these statements, Trump planned to name Clark acting attorney general—the nation’s chief law enforcement officer—and Eastman had authored a memorandum advancing an argument, which he privately admitted was without legal merit, that Vice President Mike Pence could unilaterally reject slates of electors pledged to Joe Biden.

Taken together, these statements suggest that Clark and Eastman sought to have the vice president nullify the results of the 2020 election in bad faith, anticipated that this unconstitutional act might lead to widespread unrest, and that they planned for the commander-in-chief to order federal troops (or federalized National Guardsmen) to put down those riots. The armed services were to be told to use force against Americans to keep Trump in office, despite the objective fact, as established in more than 60 judicial proceedings, that Biden won the 2020 election.

If they have proof of this, they should bring it forward
MAGA is a manifestation of Prog Socialist Propaganda agendas. The real evil is the arrow on Prog campaign posters.
Let Trump try that shit again so he can be arrested, put on trial & hung for treason.

Guess what? We're on to that son of a bitch so let him keep running his mouth.
He was there. Eyewitness Accountant. This man who volunteered to serve his country, who rose in rank and later served our nation as senior counsel to then Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly has a warning for us all. One article speaks of it being ignored or overlooked, and that was back in /august of 2023. I believe it's time to revisit this. Take a look people. This is Trump facing reality of losing an election. And it shows the people he was leaning on to help keep him there. Some of these people are now being prosecuted and investigated for un-professionalism in their professions, and in courts for criminal behavior.

An Unthinkable Choice​

Donald Trump’s advisers would have put the U.S. military in the position of defying orders or turning their weapons on civilians.

‘My Blood Ran Cold’: Ex-Trump Official Horrified By ‘Criminal Plot’ to Have Military ‘Turn Their Guns on Civilians to Facilitate a Losing Candidate’

Kevin Carroll, a former Army officer who served as senior counsel to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly during the Trump administration, laid out in stark terms on Tuesday a part of the most recent indictment against former President Donald Trump that has not received wide attention.

In the first passage, it appears that when a deputy White House counsel warned Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark that if Trump remained in office despite the absence of any evidence of outcome-determinative election fraud, riots would break out in U.S. cities, Clark responded, “That’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.” In the second, the indictment reports that when similarly warned of the risk of riots, Trump’s outside counsel John Eastman responded that there were points in American history when violence was necessary to protect the republic.

At the time of these statements, Trump planned to name Clark acting attorney general—the nation’s chief law enforcement officer—and Eastman had authored a memorandum advancing an argument, which he privately admitted was without legal merit, that Vice President Mike Pence could unilaterally reject slates of electors pledged to Joe Biden.

Taken together, these statements suggest that Clark and Eastman sought to have the vice president nullify the results of the 2020 election in bad faith, anticipated that this unconstitutional act might lead to widespread unrest, and that they planned for the commander-in-chief to order federal troops (or federalized National Guardsmen) to put down those riots. The armed services were to be told to use force against Americans to keep Trump in office, despite the objective fact, as established in more than 60 judicial proceedings, that Biden won the 2020 election.
The democrat party is the true threat to liberty and the Republic.
Let Trump try that shit again so he can be arrested, put on trial & hung for treason.

Guess what? We're on to that son of a bitch so let him keep running his mouth.
Biden will be the first on the gallows then the Clinton's Obama's and a list of traitors in the democrat party.
The "violence" of the BLM riots came from right wing thugs, anarchists and professional looters. No BLM member was arrested for ANYTHING.

Trump encouraged the riots to help his re-election chances.
What an absolute pile of SHIT. Nothing but lies and denial. Typical of you. Stay in your own shit hole country.
What are you talking about. The only military operations was the withdrawal from Afghanistan which was a remarkable success.

Biden evactuated 150,000 people from the Kabul airport with minimum loss of life. I realize the lying billionaire media tries to portray it as a clusterfuck, but no defeated army in history has ever had such a successful withdrawal.

For comparisons, see Viet Nam.
Success? Xiden got 13 Americans KILLED you retard.

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