the jury pool pulled from radical left Manhattan ! a leftist judge ,DA ,and Prosecution team ? anyone with common sense knows what's going on .
Manhatten, the financial seat of the country, is radical left? I doubt that, except for the occasional financial criminal. That is probably why they understand that sort of thing, and testimony/evidence presented. I know what is going on. Time. And, it will be sentencing time for form President Trump shortly after this time, next month.

And, I still say, he should be convicted and sentenced to extended probation on these 34 felonies, along with costs of investigating, trial, and supervisory costs during probation. If you prefer him in jail, that is your problem, but you are welcome to your opinion.
Biden quickly declared his documents as soon as they were discovered

Trump intentionally took his documents, denied he had them, refused to turn them in and tried to hide them.
Manifestly a pile of steaming lies.
Trump had all his documents secured,marked and
categorized.It was Bidens crooked Deep State who tried to
alter the docs they took from Mar-a-Lago.
these people will

A 400 person poll run by the Dailymail is probably not the best place for accurate, nor impartial information.
Manifestly a pile of steaming lies.
Trump had all his documents secured,marked and
categorized.It was Bidens crooked Deep State who tried to
alter the docs they took from Mar-a-Lago.

Trump's own attorney's found classified documents in Trump's own bedroom months after the fbi raided his home. Please join the rest of us normal people in reality.
200 million in donations after the verdict and 30% of said donations were from new donors is a better indicator .

All from millionaire donors who will do anything for favors if he becomes president. This is not donations from plebs.
I would say, pronounce him guilty as the felon he is, as found guilty by the jury on July 11th, but released on probation of 6-8 years, along with fines in the amount equal to the total costs to the State of New York for all costs incurred in the investigation, prosecution, and probation supervisory expenses. I am not in favor of seeing a past president in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. As any convicted felon, loss of voting rights, gun rights, restrictions from associating with any known felons for duration of probationary period.

Why not? Be it Donald Trump or another politician, who cares how it looks. To be honest, it would actually show the world that no one is above the law in America and that we have a just and fair legal system regardless of how much money or power you have. Of course this isn't true, but the optics would tell a different story.
Don't forget the leftist commie judge
Frankenstein, my U.S. personal experiences and observations, and readings, which specifically include NY County, (aka Manhattan County) of NY State, lead me to believe U.S. jurors and judges uphold the oaths they were required to take before they may serve in the courts.
I don't suppose jurors and judges in your state are any more or less decent than those of NY State or the state's NY County.

Within your USMB profile, you declared yourself to be “unafraid of leftist”, but do you respect leftist?
You and I may possibly disagree, rather than agree upon many political and social concepts each of us may consider to be critical to our nation's well-being. However, I'm not afraid of you, and I have no reason not to respect you. Respectfully, Supposn
Manhatten, the financial seat of the country, is radical left? I doubt that, except for the occasional financial criminal. That is probably why they understand that sort of thing, and testimony/evidence presented. I know what is going on. Time. And, it will be sentencing time for form President Trump shortly after this time, next month.

And, I still say, he should be convicted and sentenced to extended probation on these 34 felonies, along with costs of investigating, trial, and supervisory costs during probation. If you prefer him in jail, that is your problem, but you are welcome to your opinion.
You can continue to deny the facts, this entire thing is nothing but a fascist political hit job. It is really easy to understand what is going on. Leftists, who are fascists, are simply projecting to their illiterate masses of voters, and blasting it 24/7 via their Pravda media sources in the U.S. You can pretend to be fair, and act unbiased, and non partisan, saying facts won out, but we see through that, I actually just presented THEE facts to you. To pretend otherwise is simply foolish
Just tell Trumpers that they are like.

the jury pool pulled from radical left Manhattan ! a leftist judge ,DA ,and Prosecution team ? anyone with common sense knows what's going on .
Yidnar, my personal experiences, readings, and observation leads me to believe the integrity of jurors in NY City is jury upholding their oaths no lesser or greater than juries anywhere else in the USA; sworn in jurists seriously strive to uphold their oaths.

I would suppose Trump's represented by competent attorneys during the pretrial conferences, the voir dire of the jury, and all other aspects of the trial. A guilty verdict is jury's unanimous verdict; in a criminal trial, guilt must be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

As our almost all legal matters, almost all aspects of this NY state indictment and trial of Donald Trump is subject to attorneys' appeals and can be reviewed by higher judges and appeals courts. But if and when this case is appealed, the final adjudication of the case is not likely to occur prior to Election Day. Respectfully, Supposn
the jury pool pulled from radical left Manhattan! a leftist judge, DA ,and Prosecution team? anyone with common sense knows what's going on.

Yidnar, I believe the guilty verdict against Trump will essentially be finally upheld. But the accusation of the NY State's district attorney's decision to prosecute the case as being a case of politically selective prosecution is not without merit.

If and when there are any appeals regarding this case, its final adjudication is unlikely to occur prior to Election Day.
Apparently little proportions of voters who more or less had decided upon their voting intentions prior to the jury's verdict, have been further influenced by verdict. (The core voters have been steadfast), but of course the guilty verdict is politically detrimental to Trump.

Refer to the discussion thread, “2024 undecided voters”. Respectfully, Supposn
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