BREAKING: Donald Trump calls on the Supreme Court to step in before July 11 sentencing

We have a constitutional concept that is in force. Where the people may want extraordinary punishment for certain "crimes" we do not allow lynching and capitol punishment for misdemeanors.

We also have as a principle that it is better for 10 guilty people to go free than to erroneously punish one innocent person.

This Trump "conviction" overturns all these principles concerning Federal Election Commission statutes in an active Presidential candidates election and is in itself interfering with a presidential election. (Exculpatory and inflammatory evidence is NEVER to be a part of the prosecuting attorney's case but flagrantly was in this case)
(We are still a republic democracy despite the wishes of either party)
Meaning the people (for right, wrong, or indifferent reasons) get to vote for the President of their choice and reap the good or bad results from that choice.

And where the Democrats (and some Republicans) are cheering this's not a huge leap of Law to begin convicting people of such horrid crimes of stating "the check is in the mail" or other such statements...or even "I believe in Jesus".

And where you might claim "freedom of expression" or "freedom of religion" to argue against such felonies...the verdict of a lifetime behind bars will still await you and Trump if this verdict is allowed to stand despite your disagreements with his politics.
They didn't. In order for the State charges be upgraded to a felony, the act had to be done to cover another crime. That other crime was Federal, but it was not prosecuted.
You will never convince a maga of that. No comprehension.
The amount of money has no impact. It does show however where the judges political support and feeling lie.
But, I think he did other things More Egregious than donating . The repeat gags when he got pissy pussy about Trump addressing his daughters efforts against Trump was Worse.
The amount of money has no impact. It does show however where the judges political support and feeling lie.
But, I think he did other things More Egregious than donating . The repeat gags when he got pissy pussy about Trump addressing his daughters efforts against Trump was Worse.
For which the court was extremely lenient
They knew it was unenforceable and just like front page headlines, designed solely to smear Trump
Designed to stop Trump from attacking the court, the judge, his family, and the jurors..

Trump only stopped when it became apparent that actual jail was the next step

Even though some here probably believe I'm some mindless "conservative" thug, I actually do prefer to call balls and strikes.

And I have to say, this one wasn't on my bingo card:

Does he really need to do this?

He's not going to serve a day in prison before November, any appeals process would ensure that with 100% certainty.

The only way it makes sense is remembering that Trump is, at his very heart and soul, a showman.

And the showman doesn't want the 2024 Republican National Convention to be remote COVID hidin' Biden basement-style bullshit. (Should he be placed on House arrest, for example.)

So he's literally calling on the Supreme Court to intervene so he can put on the best political spectacle possible in the lead up to the '24 apocalypse.

Are you not entertained?
he is calling on scotus because he has been convicted of a felony

by a local DA who had NO right to do felony cases, and a plethora of other reasons

I don't get why you seem to be against this?
he is calling on scotus because he has been convicted of a felony

by a local DA who had NO right to do felony cases, and a plethora of other reasons

I don't get why you seem to be against this?

I'm not against it.

I was thinking from a purely strategic perspective, but readily conceded that from a principled stance it is absolutely compulsory.

Even though some here probably believe I'm some mindless "conservative" thug, I actually do prefer to call balls and strikes.

And I have to say, this one wasn't on my bingo card:

Does he really need to do this?

He's not going to serve a day in prison before November, any appeals process would ensure that with 100% certainty.

The only way it makes sense is remembering that Trump is, at his very heart and soul, a showman.

And the showman doesn't want the 2024 Republican National Convention to be remote COVID hidin' Biden basement-style bullshit. (Should he be placed on House arrest, for example.)

So he's literally calling on the Supreme Court to intervene so he can put on the best political spectacle possible in the lead up to the '24 apocalypse.

Are you not entertained?
They will not step in unless his lawyers petition them.
So, if there’s no recourse, and you libs feel that the system in NY is sufficiently stacked against Trump, why not just sentence him right there at the verdict?
The judge decides that. I have a feeling that DJ needs a month and more rope.
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In all seriousness though, the Supreme Court 100% needs to be involved in this case ASAP!

No New York Case at any level of the appeals process is going to give him even the slightly modicum of a fair sake.

Kick it up as far as you can as soon as you can!

Well bunky here is the problem, it's called the appeals process and it ain't reached SCOTUS level.
The judge decides that. I have a feeling that DJ needs a month and more rope.

So in other words you want him hung for having sex while meanwhile our current leader is a pedophile and has committed treason multiple times (along with other actual crimes) but you just want to hang Trump? Is that what you're saying?
The amount of money has no impact. It does show however where the judges political support and feeling lie.
But, I think he did other things More Egregious than donating . The repeat gags when he got pissy pussy about Trump addressing his daughters efforts against Trump was Worse.
DJ going after the judge's family members is just so Mafia.

Even though some here probably believe I'm some mindless "conservative" thug, I actually do prefer to call balls and strikes.

And I have to say, this one wasn't on my bingo card:

Does he really need to do this?

He's not going to serve a day in prison before November, any appeals process would ensure that with 100% certainty.

The only way it makes sense is remembering that Trump is, at his very heart and soul, a showman.

And the showman doesn't want the 2024 Republican National Convention to be remote COVID hidin' Biden basement-style bullshit. (Should he be placed on House arrest, for example.)

So he's literally calling on the Supreme Court to intervene so he can put on the best political spectacle possible in the lead up to the '24 apocalypse.

Are you not entertained?
I’m not buying it.

But I would like to see the pleadings.

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