BREAKING: Donald Trump calls on the Supreme Court to step in before July 11 sentencing


Even though some here probably believe I'm some mindless "conservative" thug, I actually do prefer to call balls and strikes.

And I have to say, this one wasn't on my bingo card:

Does he really need to do this?

He's not going to serve a day in prison before November, any appeals process would ensure that with 100% certainty.

The only way it makes sense is remembering that Trump is, at his very heart and soul, a showman.

And the showman doesn't want the 2024 Republican National Convention to be remote COVID hidin' Biden basement-style bullshit. (Should he be placed on House arrest, for example.)

So he's literally calling on the Supreme Court to intervene so he can put on the best political spectacle possible in the lead up to the '24 apocalypse.

Are you not entertained?
Can anyone call on the US Supreme Court to step in before July 11 sentencing?

No, anyone cannot call on the US Supreme Court to step in before the July 11 sentencing. The Supreme Court does not have the authority to intervene in a criminal case before the completion of the appeals process. The appeals process typically takes place after the trial and sentencing. Only after the appeals process has been exhausted can a case potentially reach the Supreme Court for review.

Why can't the US Supreme Court intervene before the sentencing?

The US Supreme Court's role is primarily to review cases on appeal, not to intervene in ongoing criminal proceedings. The Court's jurisdiction is limited to cases that have gone through the lower courts and have exhausted the appeals process. This means that the Supreme Court can only review a case after a final judgment has been made by the lower courts. In the case of a criminal trial, the sentencing is part of the initial judgment, and the appeals process follows the sentencing.

What is the process for the US Supreme Court to review a case?

To have a case reviewed by the US Supreme Court, it must go through a series of steps. First, the case must be heard and decided by the lower courts, including any appeals courts. Once the appeals process is exhausted, a party can file a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court. The Court then reviews the petition and decides whether to grant or deny it. If the Court grants the petition, it will hear the case and make a final decision. However, if the Court denies the petition, the decision of the lower court stands.

What is a writ of certiorari?

A writ of certiorari is a formal order issued by a higher court, usually an appellate court, to a lower court or tribunal, instructing them to submit the entire record of a case for review. This legal procedure allows the higher court to review and potentially overturn the lower court's decision, ensuring uniformity and consistency in the interpretation and application of the law.

The U.S. Supreme Court uses certiorari to select most of the cases it hears. The Court is not obligated to hear every case that petitions for certiorari, but it typically grants certiorari if the case has national significance, could harmonize conflicting decisions in the federal Circuit courts, or has precedential value.

The term "certiorari" comes from Law Latin and means "to be more fully informed." It is a common law writ that orders a lower court to deliver its record in a case so that the higher court may review it.

If the Supreme Court grants certiorari, it agrees to hear the case and issues the writ of certiorari to the lower court, requiring it to provide the higher court with a physical copy of the case record.

In summary, the US Supreme Court does not have the authority to intervene in a criminal case before the completion of the appeals process. Only after the appeals process has been exhausted can a case potentially reach the Supreme Court for review.

This billionaire will use his mob to overthrow the Biden regime?

==> Trump's mob vs Biden's police = Wild Wild West's going to be very entertaining! lol. :)


1. Supreme Court Procedures


3. What is a Writ of Certiorari? Definition and Examples

4. writ of certiorari

5. Certiorari
Can anyone call on the US Supreme Court to step in before July 11 sentencing?

No, anyone cannot call on the US Supreme Court to step in before the July 11 sentencing. The Supreme Court does not have the authority to intervene in a criminal case before the completion of the appeals process. The appeals process typically takes place after the trial and sentencing. Only after the appeals process has been exhausted can a case potentially reach the Supreme Court for review.

Why can't the US Supreme Court intervene before the sentencing?

The US Supreme Court's role is primarily to review cases on appeal, not to intervene in ongoing criminal proceedings. The Court's jurisdiction is limited to cases that have gone through the lower courts and have exhausted the appeals process. This means that the Supreme Court can only review a case after a final judgment has been made by the lower courts. In the case of a criminal trial, the sentencing is part of the initial judgment, and the appeals process follows the sentencing.

What is the process for the US Supreme Court to review a case?

To have a case reviewed by the US Supreme Court, it must go through a series of steps. First, the case must be heard and decided by the lower courts, including any appeals courts. Once the appeals process is exhausted, a party can file a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court. The Court then reviews the petition and decides whether to grant or deny it. If the Court grants the petition, it will hear the case and make a final decision. However, if the Court denies the petition, the decision of the lower court stands.

What is a writ of certiorari?

A writ of certiorari is a formal order issued by a higher court, usually an appellate court, to a lower court or tribunal, instructing them to submit the entire record of a case for review. This legal procedure allows the higher court to review and potentially overturn the lower court's decision, ensuring uniformity and consistency in the interpretation and application of the law.

The U.S. Supreme Court uses certiorari to select most of the cases it hears. The Court is not obligated to hear every case that petitions for certiorari, but it typically grants certiorari if the case has national significance, could harmonize conflicting decisions in the federal Circuit courts, or has precedential value.

The term "certiorari" comes from Law Latin and means "to be more fully informed." It is a common law writ that orders a lower court to deliver its record in a case so that the higher court may review it.

If the Supreme Court grants certiorari, it agrees to hear the case and issues the writ of certiorari to the lower court, requiring it to provide the higher court with a physical copy of the case record.

In summary, the US Supreme Court does not have the authority to intervene in a criminal case before the completion of the appeals process. Only after the appeals process has been exhausted can a case potentially reach the Supreme Court for review.

This billionaire will use his mob to overthrow the Biden regime?

==> Trump's mob vs Biden's police = Wild Wild West's going to be very entertaining!
lol. :)


1. Supreme Court Procedures


3. What is a Writ of Certiorari? Definition and Examples

4. writ of certiorari

5. Certiorari

It's hilarious how you scumbags hide behind process and ceremony while you're literally degrading the justice system into Banana Republic territory.
They are your words I am commenting on.

If you were happy, you would not feel this great need to spin and lie about what is being said.
Nobody’s lying about what you say Pknopp, you’re just trying to lean leftist, while perching on a fence, (or so you would have us believe), and you don’t like having your bull shit exposed…So, when that happens, you get snotty and make assumptions about people you don’t know…

Now, I don’t know you, and think if politics were out of the picture, you might be a pretty nice person. Or not, who knows?

Too much of internet banter gets carried away, and we think because someone posts something, we have to one up them, well,we don’t…
I'm not against it.

I was thinking from a purely strategic perspective, but readily conceded that from a principled stance it is absolutely compulsory.
yeh, NY doesn't have such a great reputation at this point, to say the least.

figures NYers would make a decision 90% of America doesn't buy
Nobody’s lying about what you say Pknopp, you’re just trying to lean leftist, while perching on a fence, (or so you would have us believe), and you don’t like having your bull shit exposed…So, when that happens, you get snotty and make assumptions about people you don’t know…

Now, I don’t know you, and think if politics were out of the picture, you might be a pretty nice person. Or not, who knows?

Too much of internet banter gets carried away, and we think because someone posts something, we have to one up them, well,we don’t…

Post where I called for violence if the case gets overturned. Otherwise stop your lying.

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