We Can't Unsee What We Saw

But not because they're racist but because I think they're better politically than the other viable racist. Biden being racist doesn't help make your imaginary case around my political support for him.

Of course it does. Just like you voted for the guy in a KKK robe, you voted for Joe Biden, who has a 50 year history of making racist comments, associating with other racists, and enacting racist policies.

At what point do you actually take responsibility for that? Or do you continue to insist you're just too dumb to make better choices?
Of course it does. Just like you voted for the guy in a KKK robe, you voted for Joe Biden, who has a 50 year history of making racist comments, associating with other racists, and enacting racist policies.
He wasn't a dictator Marvin. Anyone who isn't a political incel trying to make the most base political argument can recognize the culpability in both Democrats and Republicans for those policies.
At what point do you actually take responsibility for that? Or do you continue to insist you're just too dumb to make better choices?
I will never take responsibility for your intellectual shortcomings. That's all on you.
Well, the party has long since sold its soul to this guy, and the way all these congresspeople have so shamelessly bent over for him has been incredible to watch. Rubio, Cruz, all these people with whom he had such ugly, vicious words. Just craven. Not as bad as what has happened to Christianity, but more destructive.

Kamala presents another layer of problems. In a normal time, the veep would just step right up. But I've only seen a few Dems (Tim Ryan, for example), step up for her.

Very little bench here, making things worse.
Harris called Biden a racist in the Dem Prinary just before he picked her as his running mate. Politics is a contact sport
therefore you support Biden, despite his obvious shortcomings?

despite rumor to the contrary, I didn't vote for president in 16, 20, and I won't in 24.

Trump, Hillary, and Biden might possibly be the 3 worse candidates to appear on the ballot.
I won't be voting for either in November.

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