We Can't Unsee What We Saw

Excuses were out 10 minutes into it-he has a cold
Next day-All Well
Yea he seemed sick. He was sick. He should have postponed the debate. Or just cancelled it. Just have the one debate that's coming up. It would have been better than what we saw.

Think about it. ME? I'm calling for Biden to step down? That means EVERYONE wants him to step down.
Joe Is an embarrassment to me.
It makes me sad.

But trump is ALSO embarrassing. Dear Lord.....I truly do NOT understand the cult following for a life-long con man and cheat.
And Joe is not a life long con man and a cheat??
I know and your white ass is trying to take credit for the children they're having. Your white ass isn't having nearly enough kids. You're being replaced bitch!

The number of white births in the United States has been declining since 1999, and in 2016, white deaths began to exceed white births. This decline has contributed to a natural decrease in the white population, which is partly due to the older age structure of white people compared to other racial and ethnic groups. The Great Recession also had a significant impact on fertility and life-cycle decisions for many families, which contributed to the decline in white births between 2007 and 2016.
Are you white?
What do u like most about uncle Joe, fact he was inappropriate with his kids thus theyre pervs and drug addicts, or he lied about the deaths. Of his own family for a political pitch aimed to gather votes from your kind, thus his kids are pervs and drug addicts?

Actually, it's Republican policies that are turning uneducated whites into wiggers. Lack of economic opportunities for uneducated workers.

What's interesting is that blacks aren't having the same problem. Because they didn't lose those high paying blue collar jobs in the 2000's. It was white uneducated Americans who caused all those good manufacturing jobs to go overseas. Hillary called them deplorables but it was Republicans who attacked these dumb whites in the 2000's as Bush was sending those jobs overseas.

And today, those whites will never make what they once made. And they haven't saved enough. Young blacks are doing better. Just ask Trump. But not uneducated whites. They are killing themselves more than ever before, od'ing, fentynol, suicide, crimes, rapes. Whites are showing us that take away their privilege and they are no different than the minorities they've looked down on for years.

Pick yourselves up by your bootstraps. Know who laughs at you? Tim Scott
Are you white?
Yup. Well, sort of. If a race war broke out yes. But when I lived in Detroit, I thought I was white. Then I moved out to Metro Detroit with my long Greek last name, I found out quickly that I'm not really as white as I thought.
So depends on who you ask. I'm not Aryan brotherhood.
You're the one attempting to do spin about a court ruling that found Republicans in North Carolina "targeted black voters with surgical precision".

I would love to pass a law that targeted older typically Republican voters. Like, I wish them not having voter id's/drivers licenses would hurt the GOP. Or not allowing them to absentee vote hurt Republicans. Suddenly you'd see Republicans love absentee voting and don't see why someone who's registered can't vote if they lose their ID. They can sign a sworn affidavit and vote. And the people in charge can check his signature.
By requiring a photo ID!

What a pathetic racist you Leftards are.
By looking up what IDs black voters were more likely than whites voters to have and use to vote, like state employee IDs, and trying to eliminate them as IDs used to vote. Try reading the story. You are literate, right?
The fiscal policies of the Trump administration added twice the amount to the national deficit as have President Biden’s, a new analysis has found.

Trump’s administration borrowed $8.4 trillion during the former president’s time in office, while Biden has borrowed $4.3 trillion, according to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), a Washington think tank.

Nikki Haley claimed that President Trump added $8 trillion to the national debt while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that President Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt. These statements are true, depending on how you measure additions to the debt. We estimate the ten-year cost of the legislation and executive actions President Trump signed into law was about $8.4 trillion, with interest.
Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders.

What would you have had him do differently?

I would love to pass a law that targeted older typically Republican voters. Like, I wish them not having voter id's/drivers licenses would hurt the GOP. Or not allowing them to absentee vote hurt Republicans. Suddenly you'd see Republicans love absentee voting and don't see why someone who's registered can't vote if they lose their ID. They can sign a sworn affidavit and vote. And the people in charge can check his signature.
Who’s denied a photo ID or an absentee ballot for being black?
Yea, I'll survive. Trump won't do anything to hurt the economy. At least not the economy on his watch. What mess he leaves behind, you'll see. 2028. 4 years away from me getting ss. I suspect 20% cut to my ss. But even that's fine by me. Because I don't have kids so I'm not worrying about leaving anything behind. If I get my full social security I probably won't touch my principle. Just live off SS and interest on my 1.2 million. 4% is $48,000 a year. If I get $2000 a month also in ss, I'll be fine. That's $70K a year to live on. I'll be fine.

In a way, just like I'm enjoying watching all the women crying about abortion, I think I'm going to take some pleasure when they cut everyones social security 20%. I'll be able to say I told you so.

Maybe they will only cut benefits for people who are 50 and younger. That would be great for me. It will be an interesting 4 years if Trump wins. I suspect he won't live 4 more years. Who's going to be his VP?
If he gets his doing away with the IRS to finance government on Tariff and excise tax, all passed to the middle and lower class, the economy could tank, so it is financially important to remember, his policies do suck, economically for the majority of American and will ripple around the world.

Your plan sounds as solid as anybody has a right to expect, having done analysis and planning. You should fair better than many.

I do not think there will be a 20% cut in SS Retirement benefits presently paid to retirees. If you have not cranked up your SS and receiving it already, you should before the end of year, if you hope to get back what you paid in. At least, that is my opinion. I retired at 60 with 3 retirements and added SS at age 62, the plan being taking less per month and knowing that slightly small payments starting 3 years early would be made up for in years to come, figuring total dollars recouped. That was my plan, and it still seems valid, as I am in excellent health. I plan to linger and recoup every penny I paid in.
I would love to pass a law that targeted older typically Republican voters. Like, I wish them not having voter id's/drivers licenses would hurt the GOP. Or not allowing them to absentee vote hurt Republicans. Suddenly you'd see Republicans love absentee voting and don't see why someone who's registered can't vote if they lose their ID. They can sign a sworn affidavit and vote. And the people in charge can check his signature.
Can’t go to a bank without photo ID.


BTW - how’d they cash those welfare checks?

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