We Can't Unsee What We Saw

Again, I love Joe and the team around him. I see they are being true middle class first Democrats. FDR like. Love it. But like Carter, I can smell the blood in the water and so can the Republicans.

His performance was our worst nightmare. Exactly what Republicans have been saying. He looked like my mom who has Alzheimers. Or my 94 year old uncle who's still good, but showing signs of dementia. Can't hear, gets mad, misunderstands things, forgets, the way he looked and got mad. It was HORRIBLE. I felt sorry for him.

Well, now is the time to tell him to step down. Republicans didn't have the balls to tell Trump. We must tell Biden. He's got to go. Fresh blood. Come up with someone good. Michelle Obama.
He is your only hope to retain the white house. Come what may, I will be fine. I did not want either of the candidates to win in 2016, but knew one of them would, and did. So, I went on vacations, took up skiing, kayaked when I could get away and coasted through it. It is quite likely I will do the same, this time, if it turns out poorly. I find politics interesting, but it does not rule my life. I suspect many other Independents are in my same boat, but the boat track its course well, even in rough water.
He is your only hope to retain the white house. Come what may, I will be fine. I did not want either of the candidates to win in 2016, but knew one of them would, and did. So, I went on vacations, took up skiing, kayaked when I could get away and coasted through it. It is quite likely I will do the same, this time, if it turns out poorly. I find politics interesting, but it does not rule my life. I suspect many other Independents are in my same boat, but the boat track its course well, even in rough water.
you really want the WEF controlling the US. wow.
you really want the WEF controlling the US. wow.
No. We are doing better under the Biden administration than most of the other country WEF members.
No. We are doing better under the Biden administration than most of the other country WEF members.
we always did better, but we're not better than we were under Trump, no matter what pile of crap you choose to launder here.
I think you racists have come a long way. You used to be vocally proud of what you were.


Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.
Stockholm Rehoboth Beach Syndrome?
You never know what to believe, but I'm seeing that he and Jill are being pretty obstinate. Of course their family will back them up.

You can't watch that debate and not see it. And the visual of Jill carefully helping him off the stage may be burned into my memory forever.

I dunno. Watch him stay in and win. Who knows.
It was all a great example of a cheap fake perpetrated by the Republicans! Check out these latest poll results, wow, looks like the country is going to get healed.

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