The comic value of watching the left realize Biden is beyond sunset yet they can't articulate their disapproval without invoking...

A cardboard cutout of Biden would be better than a felon.
All of it.

Hilarious a laughingstock? The world outside of dictators want us elect a man who isn’t a felon.
The felon lie again? You can’t even name the felony, and neither could the jury,

Intelligent people aren’t falling for the Stalin technique used against Trump, and that’s why his poll numbers went up after the “conviction.”
You're a typical lying democrat. Too bad the documentation is freely available to anyone who questions those FACTS. Even your msm fact checkers are beginning to recant after the vegetable's performance last Thurs.
Where can I find the documentation on open border?
You're a typical lying democrat. Too bad the documentation is freely available to anyone who questions those FACTS. Even your msm fact checkers are beginning to recant after the vegetable's performance last Thurs.
I you want to know what a real laughingstock looks like:

Add to that the incompetent and dysfunctional Republican House.
YoYou're a typical lying democrat. Too bad the documentation is freely available to anyone who questions those FACTS. Even your msm fact checkers are beginning to recant after the vegetable's performance last Thurs.
Yup….the Dems’ challenge is that they’re used to lying and just having their useful idiots believe them. But now, they can insist that the economy is great, and that people are doing fine…..but their voters go to the grocery store and the gas station. All the lies won’t work.
I think the GOP, Trump, and conservative media have done the heavy lifting of polarizing the nation.
No, that would be:

1) Biden, who said that half of Americans are threats to democracy, and
2) The leftists, who scream “waaaaaacist!” at anyone who doesn’t fall in step behind the liberal agenda
Where can I find the documentation on open border?
Just look at the tens of thousands of illegals freely walking into the country, and then being flown at taxpayer expense to the city of their choice, where they demand hotel rooms and three meals a day.
No, that would be:

1) Biden, who said that half of Americans are threats to democracy, and
2) The leftists, who scream “waaaaaacist!” at anyone who doesn’t fall in step behind the liberal agenda
Hilarity's "basket of deplorables" The democrats have been at it for a while--pages right out of Rules for Radicals.

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